David & Victoria
Produced by

David Beckham

May, 2nd 1975 Local Time 6:17 AM Universal Time 5:17 AM

London, UK 51°30'N, 0°08'W

Victoria Beckham

April, 17th 1974 Local Time 10:07 AM Universal Time 9:07 AM

Harlow, UK 51°46'N, 0°05'E

Jump to Planetary Positions

Star Lovers

This report is designed exclusively for love relationships. The interpretation for David and Victoria uses a technique called 'Synastry'. This is the branch of astrology dealing with relationships.

Even the most unlikely love relationship works if both David and Victoria decide to put in the effort required. There are always adjustments and compromises to make in any connection. Especially with two individuals with wills and personalities of their own.

Interpreting a relationship between two people is a complicated business. A good analogy to this type of astrological assessment is the way you view a statue. Looking at a figure from the front gives you an idea of what it looks like from a single dimension. Walk around it and view it from various points. It is only then you begin to see it as a multi-dimensional creation.

Now we can start to understand more about its total composition, which makes it what it is. So it is with the astrological assessment of a partnership.

Star Lovers has distinct sections. Each one examining the relationship from a different vantage point:

David's & Victoria's Relationship Potential sections examine what each of you needs and are expecting from a partnership, as well as from a romantic and sexual relationship.

The Compatibility sections detail characteristics you both share, and ow each of you perceives and experiences the other. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship and pinpoints potential problems.

We give each connection a Star Rating from one to five to show their relative importance. The more stars there are, the more influential the connection.

David's Relationship Potential

An astrological chart has 12 'houses,' each of which represents a different sphere of human life. The 5th, 7th, and 8th houses concern relationship potential. These houses also have other meanings. Here they define and explain David's love relationships (5th). David's partnerships (7th), and David's sexual relationships (8th).

David's Love Relationships

The 5th house describes romance and courtship. Qualities you seek in a lover and a love relationship. You may be attracted to different types of lovers. Some who have one or more of these qualities. You are most likely to find true happiness with the one person who combines most of them.


Hot to trot

Leo 5th House Cusp

Proud, passionate and dramatic when it comes to matters of the heart, your love life is the stuff of soap operas. You like to take the lead and be the dominant one, both in, and out of the bedroom. You're never short of admirers, and your prowess between the sheets keeps them coming back for more, but competitive demands and your voracious appetite may make it difficult for you to remain faithful forever.

You treat your lovers well and will often demonstrate your affection in extravagant and expensive ways. However, since you take a lot of pride in your lover and your romantic escapades, woe betide anyone who takes your love for granted because, once your pride is hurt, you can sever a tie completely, no matter how much it may hurt you to do so.

You want someone who is romantic and will help set the stage with candlelight and flowers. You may often have to express appreciation to keep the gifts coming - but this is a small price to pay for so much royal pleasure.


Sex slave

Virgo in 5th House

Often, at the beginning of a love affair, or when you're feeling unsure, you may sacrifice spontaneity for the security of knowing where you are going on a date and how you are going to spend every minute. When taken to extremes, sexual intercourse may feel more like a medical examination than an expression of mutual love. You also need to make sure you don't let your critical eye prevent you from letting love into your heart.

However, when you find your groove with a lover, you take an inordinate interest in doing every little thing just perfectly. You'll notice the details, find your lover's erogenous zones, then set about discovering how, and when, to make their toes curl with delight. In fact, you often gravitate to a position of servitude, where satisfying the needs and desires of your lover becomes a source of great pleasure for you. Of course, you need to avoid becoming a doormat, or going on an automatic pilot where concentration on technique leaves little room for love to work its magic!

Your lover will be practical and systematic. There may not be a great deal of spontaneity in your love relationship, but there is a sense of security in knowing where you are going on a date and how you are going to spend each minute.


Addicted to love

5th House Ruler Sun in 12th House

You need to be far away from the madding crowd before you can feel comfortable about getting up close and personal. Self-sacrifice in love is possible, and you may fall in love with someone in an institution.

Your ability to see the good in people that others miss could lead you into love affairs with individuals on the fringes of society. However, you need to be careful not to let your longing for an elusive, ideal love cloud your ability to appraise things clearly. While sweaty reality may be at odds with your romantic ideals, once indulged, you may find it hard to say no.

You may find secrecy romantic, and be drawn into clandestine love affairs, enticed by the mystique of secret lovers, or lovers who keep secrets well hidden. If not, you may enjoy digging beneath the surface of things to unravel the mysteries.

Easy come easy go

No Planets in the 5th House

While romance and sex is important to you. It is not a big deal, nor does it occupy as much of your time and energy as it does for some. Your love life is subject to periodic change and upheaval. But, your real priorities are often elsewhere. Pursuit of sensual pleasure prevents you from those activities that you find meaningful.

So, you'll put up with occasional disruption in this area of your life. When this settles down, you're usually keen to get on with other things.

You are not as particular about what you like as some. You are more than willing to compromise with your lover. You find it easy to get satisfaction and pleasure from your lovemaking. Also, you are willing to make the adjustments necessary to achieve your ends.

David's Partnerships

The 7th house describes marital partners and close, one-to-one relationships. Courtship (5th house) can lead to a partnership. The 7th house assumes a close, constant contact. So, it is more difficult to escape potential problems. For that reason, we address them here.

When David's love affair develops, the emphasis of his relationship changes. It does so according to the description of the signs and planets of the 7th house. As well as the position of the house ruler outlined below.


Beauty and the beast

Scorpio 7th House Cusp

Since you are very tactile and sensual when it comes to your personal relationships and encounters, you need someone with whom you can be very up close and personal. You want deep, meaningful companionship, loyalty and sex - and lots of it. In fact, sex could well be a source of conflict, although there may be times when it is the one thing you have in common, providing the glue that keeps you together. Either way, issues of sex, intimacy, power, or trust will have to be dealt with in your close personal relationships.

Since sex is so important, and you are not easily swayed, when you do start something, you will often stay and work at a bad relationship rather than end it. Therefore, the times when endings are inevitable often bring about deep-rooted change in your life. In fact, it is through your relationships and the important people in your life that you experience periods of rebirth and renaissance.

Your partner often acts as an agent for change and transformation in your life. You are drawn to individuals who are intense, charismatic, powerful, and somewhat secretive. Individuals who may be cool and aloof at the first meeting. But, deep, dark, mysterious, and occasionally dangerous when you do get up close and personal.

Your opposite number may also make a good business partner and vice versa since your sensual nature will attract passionate individuals to you. Manipulation can take place where money and sex are concerned. At your best, you make a loyal, deeply committed, and intimate partner. Learning to trust, and be trusted, is important if your relationships are to grow and develop outside of the bedroom, but in the process, you may have to deal with your own and others' jealousy, possessiveness, and suspicion.

Privacy versus togetherness will be an issue in partnerships. Because time together is so concentrated, you or your partner periodically need some space. Possessiveness can arise, but with it comes great loyalty, which perhaps is compensation.


Sometimes you hold on best by letting go

Sagittarius in 7th House

Since you're never likely to be short of admirers, it may be difficult for you to make a serious commitment to someone, especially when pastures have a habit of looking greener elsewhere. However, any commitment you do make is unlikely to be too 'serious' because you are only drawn to individuals who have a cheerful, happy-go-lucky approach to life.

When it comes to your close personal relationships, you like the freedom to express yourself and do your thing. You don't like being restricted in your relationships. Therefore your opposite number must learn early on the significance of the notion that, as far as you are concerned, "Sometimes you hold on best by letting go." You don't like being tied down, especially in the bedroom, so while you may have numerous affairs, you might wait before committing, preferring companionship to sex.

When you do get involved, it is usually on your terms. It is essential that your relationships have a consciousness-raising effect on you and that they serve to broaden your views on life, love, and the universe. Therefore, you may get together with a foreigner or someone from a different social or cultural background. By nature, you are extremely curious and so someone who can feed that side of you, and take you on an intellectual adventure, is likely to have much of what it takes to keep you around.

You like a laugh, and although you like philosophical and intellectual types, anyone too serious or too pompous is likely to make you restless and impatient. Your relationships are themselves a source of adventure since it is through others that you are able to broaden your perspective, expand your horizons, and find a more universal and inclusive approach to life.

The emphasis in partnerships is on development. Too much 'togetherness' can be restrictive, but some expansive experiences should be shared so that neither partner is left behind. Joint activities should include travel or studying together.


Healthy relationships

7th House Ruler Pluto in 6th House

Your work or your daily schedule and routine is likely to provide a rich source of potential partners and, when you do make a commitment, you are prepared to work hard to make it a success. Whether in a joint business venture or on the shop floor, you may work with your partner in some way.

However, there is a strong possibility that your relationships may affect your health and vice-versa for both good and ill, therefore, when stressed, you might consider whether the problem is in you, or in your relationship.

Alternatively, you may also find that when you're stressed, your partner knows just how to calm your fears and soothe your worries and cares. There is, however, a possibility that your partner's health will be an issue you may have to deal with in some way, at some point.

You want your partnership to run smoothly. Establishing a routine in this area is satisfying, and you need practical reasons for changing your habits. You try to avoid unplanned joint activities because half the fun lies in arranging the details.


The ultimate union, union with the ultimate

Neptune in the 7th House

You seek the great beyond through your relationships and need to be careful your good nature is not taken advantage of by others. You have a deep, indescribable need for relationships, yet your standards and expectations may be unreasonable or unrealistic for any mere mortal to live up to.

Realities like sex and money may be swept aside in your reluctance to see others as they really are. You search for perfection in your opposite number and may well become disillusioned with imperfect partners. There is no middle way with you when it comes to relationships, and you may well experience both the heights of ecstasy and depths of despair.

While you are drawn to artistic, mystical, musical and poetical partners, and relationships with a strong degree of spirituality, you may also attract self-indulgent, delinquent, impractical dreamers; individuals inclined to excessive sensual indulgence, shiftless and irresponsible with little regard for honesty, decency or public morality.

While you may be called upon to make sacrifices in your relationships, martyrdom isn't necessary, nor is it in your best interests, so resist the tendency to rescue and reform others on the fringes of society, or get yourself embroiled in relationships with people who are not free.

Nevertheless, your relationships are likely to be unusual in some way, which could involve individuals from very different social and cultural backgrounds than your own. Whether you are aware of it or not, you're likely to have a strong psychic link with people with whom you become intimately involved.

You are extremely sensitive to the moods and feelings of others and may mistake others' feelings for your own. At your best, you apply spiritual values to your relationships with others, giving love and understanding, unselfishly, and unconditionally. However, emotional confusion is likely in relationships, so you need to be careful not to be taken advantage of, or to be confused or misled by others.

David's Sexual Relationships

In a relationship, the 8th house represents shared resources, partner's resources, or sex. Here we treat it as the house of sex. The signs and planets in the 8th house and the position of the 8th house ruler determine David's sexual needs. As well as the characteristics of his sexual partners.

Sexual activity is part of both love affairs (5th house) and partnerships (7th house). You must decide to which category your relationship belongs. Also, combine the relevant definitions. If the relationship is entirely sexual, you can ignore the 5th and 7th houses.


Recreational sex

Sagittarius 8th House Cusp

Enthusiastic, frank, and open when it comes to sex, you like variety and adventure in the bedroom, since, if things start to get stale and your partner stops making your toes curl, you are apt to be off in search of some other sexual target. You're quite fortunate when it comes to sexual escapes and adventures.

You find it relatively easy to express your needs for intimacy when up close and personal and to get those needs met. Somehow you know it'll all work out and so tend to adopt a happy-go-lucky approach to your sex life. Not that it's always a smooth ride emotionally since you have a tendency to have too many irons in the fire and spread yourself too thin sexually.

Your direction in sexuality may follow one of two different courses. You may view sex with a kind of reverence, or else you may consider it merely a form of recreation. For the greatest sort of satisfaction, you should combine the two attitudes.


Randy old goat

Capricorn in 8th House

You have a breezy, cool, and sociable exterior. When it comes to sex, you can be as randy as an old goat. However, you may have a tendency to repress your passions, developing self-control in the sexual arena, or alternatively going to the other extreme, indulging in relentless sexual activity in order to feel good. Your sexual needs are probably quite primitive and instinctual.

You may even know how to use sex to further your ambitions or gain control over others. However, you may feel at times that when it comes to intimacy, things can get a little heavy and burdensome. You generally want to be free to come and go as you please because responsibility weighs heavily on your shoulders. You may, therefore, feel that the sexual side of relationships is more trouble than it's worth - leading to commitments and ties you'd rather live without.

You take sexual matters seriously, and having practical reasons for sexual involvement will be helpful. You may not be spontaneous and original in this area, but that does not have to detract from your feelings of accomplishment.


Sex, mystery and the great beyond

8th House Ruler Jupiter in 12th House

You may keep your real attitude to sex under wraps, at least until you feel you have got to a situation where you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down. This can have a number of effects, and one is that you may try and keep your true desires under an impassive cloak.

However, at times your guard will slip, especially when you feel the stakes are high, giving at least part of the game away. Others, therefore, may be surprised and a little unnerved when you reveal your true sexual nature - when you eventually get up close and personal.

This may be because you don't want to expose yourself or your vulnerability, or simply because you prefer to keep your private life private. Because of this some, people are not entirely sure about your true sexuality and may question your true sexual nature because you may give misleading or conflicting signals.

Since there is likely to be a veil over the more intimate details of your private life, you may enter into relationships others consider clandestine, or you may even have a number of secret sexual involvements going on which you keep under wraps.

Nevertheless, your discretion when it comes to sex may also make you seem a bit of a prude, which is likely to be far from the case behind closed doors. Your attitude to sex is not without its benefits since it is very likely that at some point, your desire for sex and intimacy will get you in hot water. This leaves you feeling that when it comes to sex, you're your own worst enemy - especially if you let your desires swallow up your reserves, whether they are emotional, physical, or financial.

Within you, there is a voyeur, drawn to unusual sexual practices. And so, over time, desire for a rich inner life may draw you towards Tantric sex, Magik, or religious fanaticism where sex becomes an avenue through which you can have a deep religious experience and contact the great beyond.

You will not accept sexual activity as an isolated factor in your life. You may consider it a culmination of hidden desires that you will examine for a greater understanding of self and partner - or perhaps as a path toward your greater goal.

There's more to life than sex

No Planets in the 8th House

While sex is important to you, it's not a big deal, nor does it occupy as much of your time and energy as it does for some. It does not mean your sex life is uneventful. Only that your sexual demands and tastes are less peculiar or complex than they are for others.

Your sex life is subject to periodic change and upheaval. Your real priorities are often elsewhere. The pursuit of sexual gratification takes you away from more meaningful activities. You put up with this occasional disruption in your life. When things settle down again, you're keen to get on with other things.

You are not doomed to a life of celibacy. Partnership requirements, and your needs in sexual activities, are less than most. Although very likely, your enjoyment will be just as great.

Victoria's Relationship Potential

An astrological chart has 12 'houses,' each of which represents a different sphere of human life. The 5th, 7th, and 8th houses concern relationship potential. Houses have various meanings. Here we interpret them as Victoria's love relationships (5th). Victoria's partnerships (7th), and Victoria's sexual relationships (8th).

Victoria's Love Relationships

The 5th house describes romance and courtship. Qualities you seek in a lover and a love relationship. You may be attracted to different types of lovers. Some who have one or more of these qualities. You are most likely to find true happiness with the one person who combines most of them.


Smooth operator

Libra 5th House Cusp

Charming, attentive, and with impeccable manners, you are generous to a fault when it comes to showing your affection. By nature, you are friendly, sociable, and prone to flattery that makes others feel better about themselves, all of which makes it easier for you to get your own way. This can be your Achilles heel when it comes to love.

On one level, you'll give some people the impression you think they're special when, in fact, you're only trying to oil the wheels. On another level, when romantically involved, you're likely to say all the right things, just to keep the peace. You are drawn to attractive, artistic, and articulate people and have a wonderful ability to make others pursue you.

You are drawn to people who are attractive, charming, but perhaps indecisive. There will be more discussion than activity. When you tire of sitting around, suggest an art gallery. This will appeal to your lover's artistic sense and get you moving.


Deep and dark

Scorpio in 5th House

While you are drawn to powerful and charismatic lovers, you sometimes end up in the sewer. Tremendously passionate, emotionally, and sexually, you can also become possessive and jealous. Your love life is likely to be one of the extremes. You offer devotion and demand serious commitment in return.

Once someone touches your heart, however much of a rogue or oddity they are in the eyes of the world, you believe you can change them because of your deep conviction in the transformative power of love. And yes, miracles happen. In the meantime, at some point in your life, you are forced to examine the facts. It's your need for an intense experience, rather than any one individual that is creating such scenarios.

You attract intense lovers, and it is easier to concentrate on one lover at a time. It may be hard to extricate yourself from relationships once they are formed, but it can be done if desired, by slow, deliberate action after much deep, emotional probing.


The grass is greener on the other side

Sagittarius in 5th House

You're happy-go-lucky approach to life and love, and your natural optimism and enthusiasm make you a much sought after lover. Restless and easily bored, you need variety, both in and out of the bedroom, so your natural curiosity can be mistaken for promiscuity.

Virtually un-shockable, you enjoy romantic adventure and are ever eager to broaden your already broad mind. Therefore you are drawn to relationships with people from different cultures and countries that enrich your life and worldview.

However, you have a tendency to think the grass is greener on the other side, and so there may be times when you need to develop a little more patience and persistence when it comes to love if you're not to regret letting someone special slip through your fingers. Impracticality, coupled with your natural generosity towards your lover, could get you in a tight spot financially, but somehow you always manage to land on your feet, even if you're left with holes in your shoes.

The emphasis on love relationships is on movement. Once something new is experienced and digested, you go on to different situations. Your lover may not always be consistent, but you should be philosophical about it and focus on having fun.


Lover as a status symbol

5th House Ruler Venus in 10th House

You are drawn to lovers who are dependable and can provide security as well as enhance your status in the eyes of the world. You are likely to find your love life can have a direct bearing on your social standing, reputation, and career.

This can indicate that your lover opens doors for you, helping you achieve your worldly ambitions, or maybe, that you use romance to shoot up the ladder since you're likely to have the knack of winning the affection of those in positions of power and authority. You might find your love life in the public domain, which could range from being the subject of a tabloid exclusive to the subject of local gossip.

You want lovers who are dependable and who will provide security, and if they are considered successful by world standards as well, that's a bonus. Your time together may not be exciting, but you will probably be seen in all the right places.


Brief encounters

Uranus in the 5th House

Your love life is likely to be unconventional, unpredictable, and emotionally volatile. Difficult, if not impossible, to satisfy, you demand freedom and independence and can be an incredible flirt one minute and as cold as ice the next. Detached and noncommittal, you no doubt have your fair share of brief and unusual love affairs.

In the bedroom, or for that matter, in the open air, you're likely to challenge traditional sexual morality and practice, indulging your unique and even strange tastes that some may find perverse and antisocial.

Of course, your love life is never dull, and while this makes you exciting to be around, it would take somebody equally remarkable and eccentric to keep you interested for long.

You will thrive on the unexpected in love relationships and equate romance with excitement. You want a lover who is original, independent, and respects your individuality. If a relationship becomes too confining, you may abruptly end it.

Victoria's Partnerships

The 7th house describes marital partners and close, one-to-one relationships. Courtship (5th house) can lead to a partnership. The 7th house assumes a close, constant contact. So, it is more difficult to escape potential problems. For that reason, we address them here.

When Victoria's love affair develops, the emphasis of his relationship changes. It does so according to the description of the signs and planets of the 7th house. As well as the position of the house ruler outlined below.


Still waters run deep

Capricorn 7th House Cusp

Relationships can prove tricky for you. By nature, you are very sensitive and intensely emotional; prone to deep moods and feelings, nowhere is this more apparent than in your close personal relationships. Therefore, one of the qualities you look for in a partner is someone who can offer you security - emotional mainly, but financial too. You are drawn to individuals who are often rather mature for their age, and you may team up with someone older who has acquired worldly goods, wisdom and is established in the world in some way. You need to be careful though because your natural maternal instinct may lead you to take an almost parental role with your partner, and your possessiveness and over protectiveness, often fuelled by your own insecurities, may have a restrictive effect on your opposite number - especially if your protectiveness stops them from fulfilling their true potential.

Since you are so very sensitive and, once committed, reluctant to make a change even when things get rough, you need to choose wisely. Your major decisions are likely to be more influenced by your heart than your head, which is how it should be, but nevertheless, try to make sure your affections for someone are based on more than just a passing whim or infatuation.

It is likely that some people have an almost disturbing influence on you emotionally; you are drawn to them, but at the same time, almost unable to communicate without betraying the deep emotions they stir within you. Whilst this can be disconcerting and unsettling and may make it almost impossible to reach out for what is so close at hand, the plus side is that when you do get involved, you are rewarded with far deeper, more loving experiences.

You may be drawn to the type that looks distant and aloof on the outside, but who, like the still waters that run so deep, are deeply sensitive and emotional underneath promising the establishment of a deep and meaningful emotional bond for you.

Be careful, though; you may attract the occasional truly cold fish who, somehow, manages to stir your emotions, but who turns out to be as cold on the inside as they appeared on the surface and who will only serve to exacerbate your insecurities. Since you are so emotional, it helps that your partner is more practical and business like about things. Although you may have many opportunities, you might not find a suitable mate, or make a serious commitment, until you are into your thirties.

You want a partner to be proud of, and material security is important. You may, therefore, be drawn to someone who is already established in the world. With partnership comes responsibility, and at least one of you will be duty-oriented.


Escaping from it all together

7th House Ruler Saturn in 12th House

This can be a tricky combination. Positively, your partner can be a huge, yet hidden, source of comfort and help, like your guardian angel with whom you have an almost telepathic link. Negatively, your partner may have the ability, consciously or unconsciously, to undermine you and your best interests, feeling more like a cross to bear than an equal partner in a relationship.

Nevertheless, you will find that it's when you escape from it all to spend time together that your relationship really blossoms, and so it is vital to have frequent quality time alone together to develop a rich inner life.

There is a strong element of idealism and sacrifice in your close personal relationships that may take the form of you being the power behind the throne in the life of someone who is an outwardly successful individual.

Your deep need to experience an almost mystical union can catapult you into seemingly fated relationships in which you have an almost compulsive urge to merge with your partner.

You may develop telepathic communications with your partner; delving into the subconscious is easier than speaking. Or perhaps you feel that you are together from a past life, but this may be for a reward, not necessarily for punishment.

Take it or leave it

No Planets in the 7th House

While relationships are important to you, they are not the be-all and end-all for you. Nor do they occupy as much of your time and energy as they do for some. Your relationships are subject to periodic change and upheaval. Your real priorities are often elsewhere.

You find the commitments of relationships take you away from more meaningful activities. So, you put up with occasional disruption in this area of your life. When they settle down, you're usually keen to get on with other things.

It does not mean that you will never marry nor have a close one-to-one relationship. Your demands are less complex than most. So, you won't expect as much of a partner, and it may be easier to get along by yourself.

Victoria's Sexual Relationships

In a relationship, the 8th house represents shared resources, partner's resources, or sex. Here we treat it as the house of sex. The signs and planets in the 8th house and the position of the 8th house ruler determine Victoria's sexual needs. As well as the characteristics of his sexual partners.

Sexual activity is part of both love affairs (5th house) and partnerships (7th house). You must decide to which category your relationship belongs. Also, combine the relevant definitions. If the relationship is entirely sexual, you can ignore the 5th and 7th houses.


Randy old goat

Capricorn 8th House Cusp

You have a breezy, cool, and sociable exterior. When it comes to sex, you can be as randy as an old goat. However, you may have a tendency to repress your passions, developing self-control in the sexual arena, or alternatively, going to the other extreme, indulging in relentless sexual activity in order to feel good. Your sexual needs are probably quite primitive and instinctual.

You may even know how to use sex to further your ambitions or gain control over others. However, you may, at times, feel that when it comes to intimacy, things can get a little heavy and burdensome. You generally want to be free to come and go as you please, responsibility weighs heavily on your shoulders. Therefore you may feel the sexual side of relationships are more trouble than they're worth, leading to commitments and ties you'd rather live without.

You take sexual matters seriously, and having practical reasons for sexual involvement will be helpful. You may not be spontaneous and original in this area, but that does not have to detract from your feelings of accomplishment.


Sexual rebel

Aquarius in 8th House

Sexually surprising, outgoing, and inventive, you may prefer to treat your desires in a logical way so as not to be at the mercy of them. Often appearing a little bashful at the first meeting, you can find ingenious ways of getting your needs met and expressing them to others. While you may come across as endearingly sensitive, homely, and even a bit of a traditionalist. When it comes to getting up close and personal with someone who makes your juices flow, you can be something of a non-conformist, eager to experiment and to engage in different and even unusual sexual practices.

You can be detached when it comes to sex. Rebellious and impulsive, you may express yourself and your needs in a contrary or unorthodox way, bordering on the perverse or peculiar and engaging in what some might consider sexual aberrations. You may perplex your partner by expressing your passions in an idiosyncratic and eccentric manner.

You have an intellectual curiosity about sexual matters, and your ideas may be non-conformist. You believe in maintaining individuality in this area and are not necessarily looking for an emotional commitment from a sexual partner.


Sex, mystery and the great beyond

8th House Ruler Saturn in 12th House

You may keep your real attitude to sex under wraps, at least until you feel you have got to a situation where you feel comfortable enough to let your guard down. This can have a number of effects, and one is that you may try and keep your true desires under an impassive cloak.

However, at times your guard will slip, especially when you feel the stakes are high, giving at least part of the game away. Others, therefore, may be surprised and a little unnerved when you reveal your true sexual nature - when you eventually get up close and personal.

This may be because you don't want to expose yourself or your vulnerability, or simply because you prefer to keep your private life private. Because of this some, people are not entirely sure about your true sexuality and may question your true sexual nature because you may give misleading or conflicting signals.

Since there is likely to be a veil over the more intimate details of your private life, you may enter into relationships others consider clandestine, or you may even have a number of secret sexual involvements going on which you keep under wraps.

Nevertheless, your discretion when it comes to sex may also make you seem a bit of a prude, which is likely to be far from the case behind closed doors. Your attitude to sex is not without its benefits since it is very likely that at some point, your desire for sex and intimacy will get you in hot water. This leaves you feeling that when it comes to sex, you're your own worst enemy - especially if you let your desires swallow up your reserves, whether they are emotional, physical, or financial.

Within you, there is a voyeur, drawn to unusual sexual practices. And so, over time, desire for a rich inner life may draw you towards Tantric sex, Magik, or religious fanaticism where sex becomes an avenue through which you can have a deep religious experience and contact the great beyond.

You will not accept sexual activity as an isolated factor in your life. You may consider it a culmination of hidden desires that you will examine for a greater understanding of self and partner - or perhaps as a path toward your greater goal.

There's more to life than sex

No Planets in the 8th House

While sex is important to you, it's not a big deal, nor does it occupy as much of your time and energy as it does for some. It does not mean your sex life is uneventful. Only that your sexual demands and tastes are less peculiar or complex than they are for others.

Your sex life is subject to periodic change and upheaval. Your real priorities are often elsewhere. The pursuit of sexual gratification takes you away from more meaningful activities. You put up with this occasional disruption in your life. When things settle down again, you're keen to get on with other things.

You are not doomed to a life of celibacy. Partnership requirements, and your needs in sexual activities, are less than most. Although very likely, your enjoyment will be just as great.

Commonality Between You

Characteristics you both share

Sense of purpose

David's Sun Semisextile Victoria's Mercury

David and Victoria enjoy each other's company and conversation. David and Victoria's intellectual compatibility and a shared sense of purpose mean that agreements between them are easy to reach and maintain. David is likely to influence, inspire, and stimulate Victoria's ideas, opinions, and outlook whilst he understands David very well, and this makes for an intellectually stimulating partnership.


'Close One'

David's Sun Sextiles Victoria's Venus

There is a certain magnetic attraction between David and Victoria. Sympathy, affection, companionship, and devotion - all encourage mutual admiration and support. David and Victoria should find domestic harmony and co-operation simple to achieve. They feel at ease in each other's company and can relax, communicating effortlessly, with one another. David and Victoria are equally encouraging and co-operative and will share many interests, amusements, and pleasures together.


David's Sun Sextiles Victoria's Jupiter

This is a very positive and fortunate meeting between David and Victoria, that can make them feel that the world is their oyster. David and Victoria are encouraging, protective and helpful towards each other. Victoria protects, helps and gives David confidence while David inspires Victoria's sense of optimism.

Victoria is a lucky omen for David, and so they really bring out the best in each other. Tolerance and loyalty inspire mutual trust and confidence and represent an important ingredient that promises much happiness and satisfaction in David and Victoria's relationship.


David's Sun Quincunx Victoria's Neptune

Victoria is somehow elusive or unfathomable to David, he is not always what he appears to be and, as a result, misunderstandings can easily creep into David and Victoria's relationship. Victoria can also be elusive, unreliable and even dishonest. Victoria may appear submissive but in fact uses subtle means to control or undermine David.

Difficulties are likely to be exacerbated if either David or Victoria starts to put the needs of the relationship before their own because that could result in them losing their direction. They could become increasingly confused about what was important and what was not.

Misunderstandings, doubts, confusion, and distrust will eventually undermine David and Victoria's relationship unless other, more positive aspects of the relationship, exert a strong, protective influence. David can feel spiritually and emotionally undermined by Victoria, while he may increasingly feel David takes his for granted.


David's Moon Quincunx Victoria's Mars

The sparks are sure to fly when David and Victoria get together. Whilst there is a powerful attraction between them, their relationship can be very exciting and very volatile. In time Victoria may become impatient with David, and emotions are likely to run high, increasing the possibility of serious conflicts.

David is hypersensitive to Victoria and he may nag or be so touchy towards David that it begins to affect David's emotional and physical well-being. Victoria will want to take the lead and, at times, may even try to coerce David into doing what he wants.


'Close One'

David's Moon Quincunx Victoria's Saturn

There is a lot of glue between David and Victoria, the kind of glue that keeps people together. However, in time, Victoria can have a frustrating effect on David and may even affect his emotional well being by being too critical and unfeeling. Victoria can appear aloof and indifferent to the plight of David and it wouldn't be long before he began to resent the restrictions placed upon him by Victoria, making him even more sensitive to Victoria.

Whether he knows it or not, Victoria appears to be too hard to please and may even block or oppose David's plans. Domestic difficulties and financial disagreements are likely. Unless there are other mitigating factors in the relationship, this association is unlikely to benefit either party.


David's Moon Squares Victoria's Uranus

The chemistry between David and Victoria was apparent from the start, and the sparks really fly when they get together. However, sooner or later some big differences are likely to surface, bringing irritations and conflict to the fore. David and Victoria are likely to have an emotionally volatile relationship.

Victoria's increasing fickleness and unreliability in David's eyes can be irritating to him. Victoria can upset David emotionally, whilst he will become increasingly sensitive to his eccentricities. Victoria can be inconsiderate, apparently disregarding David's feelings, needs, and views.

If David and Victoria do team up together, although there is strong chemistry between them, inevitably the relationship will be disruptive in some way. It may even be so unconventional and indiscreet that it ends up causing trouble for one or both parties. Although eventful and exciting David and Victoria are likely to suffer from many upsets and separations with the ensuing instability and insecurity.

Emotional support

David's Moon Trines Victoria's Pluto

David and Victoria can offer each other tremendous emotional support in a close relationship, especially during periods of major personal change and upheaval. Victoria enlarges David's worldview and potential and stimulates his imagination. David and Victoria share a strong physical attraction that can prove intense, passionate, and provocative, challenging each other to travel uncharted territory together.

Differences of opinion

David's Mercury Semisquare Victoria's Mercury

Initially the mental chemistry between David and Victoria may be more potent than the physical chemistry. However, in time, David and Victoria may experience increasing difficulty agreeing on anything for long. The problem seems to be that David and Victoria don't listen to each other and therefore their relationship is beset with communication problems.

While David and Victoria find each other mentally stimulating, at least at first, as their different views emerge, they inevitably lead to misunderstandings and big differences of opinion. David and Victoria may become critical of each other and each other's ideas. Too much disagreement and criticism will undermine the relationship.

Obstinacy may be difficult to avoid since David and Victoria are unlikely to see eye-to-eye, and even agreement on the little things may be difficult to achieve. Since differences of interests will not engender mutual support, communication and companionship will suffer if David and Victoria find that they don't have very much in common.

The fact that neither seems to appreciate the other's opinions or point of view may make it difficult to reach an agreement or find the mutual understanding necessary to sustain a long-term relationship.


'Close One'

David's Mercury Quincunx Victoria's Uranus

Victoria's stimulating effect on David could easily spill over to irritation with Victoria proving himself to be increasingly unreliable and unpredictable. David can seem too superficial and differences of opinion and misunderstandings may lead inevitably to conflict.

Many adjustments and allowances will need to be made, especially by David, for the relationship to last. In time David may become increasingly reluctant to get involved with Victoria because of the disruptions and upheaval caused to his plans. The relationship is likely to be plagued with impatience, tension, and many minor irritations.

Separations are likely when temporary periods of calmness make way for periods of almost chaotic activity. Disagreement may become a permanent feature of the relationship if both David and Victoria don't give each other plenty of space and freedom.


David's Venus Trines Victoria's Uranus

David and Victoria share one of the strongest indicators for mutual attraction and fascination one could expect to find in a romantic relationship. There is a magnetic attraction between them - a love that emerged suddenly and intensely, and may even have been love at first sight. This is a stimulating and exciting combination, and something is unique or unusual, about David and Victoria's relationship.

Victoria is altruistic, inspiring, and encouraging towards David. Romantic feelings are strong and intense. There is something magnetic about their love for each other, and while they will experience many changes and upheavals, there is something permanent about their mutual infatuation and fascination. Over time David and Victoria will be able to continually reinvigorate their relationship as they effortlessly find new ways to express their affection for one another.

Mutual understanding

David's Jupiter Semisextile Victoria's Jupiter

David and Victoria shouldn't have too much difficulty reaching mutual agreement and understanding of the important, as well as not so important, areas of their relationship. Together David and Victoria have what it takes to create an optimistic and happy-go-lucky existence. Mutual support help, and encouragement should come easily. David and Victoria share similar beliefs, interests, and aspirations, especially on philosophical matters.

David and Victoria encourage, inspire, and prove lucky for one another; theirs is sure to be a lively and busy relationship. They will make the most of this aspect by getting out and about together on some form of quest or adventure. David and Victoria inspire confidence and optimism in each other, and their mutual tolerance and understanding towards one another bode well for a happy and lucky union.


'Close One'

David's Jupiter Trines Victoria's Neptune

In many ways David and Victoria are likely to have a very idealistic relationship. Spiritual and religious interest are encouraged in both, with David coming from a more established viewpoint and cultural perspective while Victoria brings a certain 'otherworldly' or even mystical quality.

There may be evidence of a strong, almost telepathic or psychic link between David and Victoria, with the relationship tending to prove fortunate for both. This is a highly spiritual combination with a strong probability that you will share a belief in something beyond the here and now.

Power struggles

David's Jupiter Opposes Victoria's Pluto

Although David and Victoria have the ability to create grand plans together (and the potential power to make them a reality), nevertheless, they will eventually have to do something about their very deep differences in order to achieve their aims. Victoria may eventually appear to try to thwart or frustrate David's attempts to progress. Power struggles are likely over ethical, financial or even metaphysical matters.

David may find Victoria's approach too manipulative or too secretive, while Victoria may consider David's optimism and happy-go-lucky approach to life lacking in depth and sincerity. Victoria can become too obsessive, possessive and domineering while David may resent having his wings clipped and ideals undermined.

Mutual appreciation

David's Uranus Conjuncts Victoria's Uranus

David and Victoria have a lively and unconventional relationship. They understand and encourage each other's ideas and eccentricities, and they support and inspire each other in their original and unconventional approach to life. Mutual appreciation and fascination with each other's differences keep David and Victoria stimulated and on their toes.

Mutual understanding

'Close One'

David's Neptune Conjuncts Victoria's Neptune

This isn't a particularly important characteristic of David and Victoria's relationship. They share a mutual sympathy and understanding that will reinforce other areas of their relationship. They have similar mystical or occult interests and can inspire and encourage each other towards greater creativity and self-expression. Spiritual and philosophical interests are in harmony, encouraging closeness, understanding, acceptance, and compassion. David and Victoria may feel their relationship represents a Karmic or spiritual tie.


'Close One'

David's Pluto Conjuncts Victoria's Pluto

This isn't a particularly important aspect of David and Victoria's relationship. David and Victoria's shared perspectives on political, social and religious matters will reinforce other positive and productive areas of their relationship.

How David relates to Victoria and how he responds

David's self-image, the face he shows the world and how Victoria will see him. Also, the way David personally experiences Victoria in his life.


How David's discipline affects Victoria's personality

David's Saturn in Victoria's 1st House

David can be a source of much support and stability for Victoria. Although the relationship may take a while to deepen and develop, over time, Victoria may feel a great deal of responsibility for David.

However, David needs to be mindful not to stir up too many of Victoria's fears and anxieties. David may have to learn not to be too critical or demanding of Victoria otherwise he risks becoming a burden rather than a steadfast source of security.

Nevertheless, what might have started out as romantic love between David and Victoria may soon reach a point where they find themselves at a crossroads and have to think seriously about whether they want to take things further and deepen their commitment to one another.

For relationships to work long-term, there needs to be a certain amount of 'glue'. David and Victoria have that 'glue' should they choose to take things further. David's conduct on this issue may be a bit puzzling to Victoria at first.

Initially, David may be reluctant to commit, but, over time, it may be he who appears most eager to cement the relationship, although this may be presented in indirect ways - in his attitude as much as his actions.

David and Victoria may feel the hand of fate at work in their relationship and resign themselves to the fact that despite whatever difficulties they may face, somehow they were meant to get together.

It's likely that Victoria and David met during a period of time when one or both of them was going through a period of major change. There is a strong bond between David and Victoria, which will get stronger over time and will be increasingly difficult to resist. David will encourage Victoria to slow down, take their time, and become more serious, patient, and practical.

The home life David and Victoria share

David's home, his mother and his mothering instincts, as well as David's domestic and family situations in general. How Victoria can affect David on a deep level, and may arouse his protective and nurturing instincts.


How David influences Victoria's home life

David's Pluto in Victoria's 4th House

David can have a powerful effect upon Victoria, evoking vivid memories and bringing deep, instinctive emotions to the surface. If David and Victoria believe in Karma and reincarnation, then they may feel they have shared a past life together. David can be a source of great support, acting as an anchor.

Nevertheless, David and Victoria's home life together may be one of constant change, which could range from anything to do with domestic upheaval to constant renovation in the home. David will want to exercise his influence and control within the home.

If Victoria's attitude toward sex is greatly influenced by one of his parents, then he may find himself drawn into a relationship with David which may mirror his parent's relationship.

Victoria's sexual relationship with David can act as a barometer of Victoria's emotional and psychological wellbeing. There is a powerful emotional attraction between them; Victoria needs to be able to relate to David emotionally, and therefore it is important that David is tender and caring.

Victoria may be willing to allow David to take control of the home, family, and domestic matters if that allows Victoria more time and space to get on with other things. However, if Victoria feels David is too bossy or controlling, then perhaps Victoria should insist that the power and responsibilities are shared to avoid conflict.

Pleasurable activities bring David and Victoria together

How David might become involved in entertainment and fun of all kinds. Including romance, gambling, parties, creativity, children and pleasure in general with Victoria.


How David's originality affects Victoria's creativity

David's Uranus in Victoria's 5th House

David and Victoria's love life is likely to be an unpredictable, unusual affair. The initial attraction was probably sudden, dramatic, and intense.

It is important for David and Victoria to make sure there is enough freedom and independence within the relationship.

Otherwise, Victoria or, more likely, David, will engineer scenarios that keep the excitement and uncertainty going (although this may be at the expense of turning their relationship into a volatile on-again, off-again affair).

David may inspire Victoria to start new, eccentric or unconventional hobbies, or may introduce him to innovative ways of expressing himself creatively. Their love life is likely to be unpredictable and emotionally volatile.

Victoria may find it difficult to accept David's demands for freedom and independence. David can be an incredible flirt one minute and as cool as a cucumber the next.

Whether or not David and Victoria's relationship is free, open, and non-committed, it will nevertheless be an unusual and even unlikely love affair.

In the bedroom, or for that matter, in the open air, they are likely to challenge traditional sexual morality and practice, indulging their unique tastes, which some may find a little perverse.

David and Victoria thrive on the unexpected in their relationship, and for them, romance and excitement go hand-in-hand.

David can act as a catalyst for Victoria, stimulating Victoria's imagination, inspiring Victoria to express themselves and to explore new, unusual, and unorthodox avenues for their talents. Victoria can also encourage David to be themselves, however zany or odd David may appear to others.

How David's work and health Influences Victoria

How David might have an effect on the work and service, health, diet and dress sense of Victoria. As well as his personal habits and the other more ordinary details of his life.


How David's altruism influences Victoria's daily life

David's Neptune in Victoria's 6th House

David may introduce Victoria to a spiritual or mystical way of life, one where a daily diet of yoga and meditation can have a great influence on his general health and well-being, changing his attitude to life.

David may inspire Victoria to approach life's responsibilities with greater humility and reverence, encouraging him to appreciate the little things in life. Victoria may be very selfless in his approach to David, making many small sacrifices to his needs.

At times it may seem as if David's very presence can affect Victoria. When Victoria is ill, a bit down, or simply just under the weather, then his company can sometimes have a very therapeutic influence.

David can prove both inspiration and distraction and may be able to come up with unique and unusual solutions to deal with life's little day-to-day chores. Where Victoria's work is concerned, there may be times when he proves too much of a distraction (even confusion) for Victoria, making it difficult for him to get on with things or concentrate on getting anything done.

When it comes to working and the day-to-day chores and errands Victoria may feel that David can sometimes be unreliable, irresponsible, and absent-minded. Even when David does make an effort, David is easily distracted, forgetful, and prone to day-dreaming. Rather than stress themselves out, Victoria should not expect or rely on David too much to get things done.

Life and death issues between David and Victoria

Intense and weighty issues like death, obsessions, repression, jealousy, taxes, joint resources. Also, inheritances and other people's possessions. Especially what David wants or needs sexually.


How David's way of behaving affects Victoria's recourses and sexuality

David's Moon in Victoria's 8th House

It probably wasn't very long after David and Victoria met that they became aware of a powerful connection between them. Their relationship will be an all or nothing affair, emotionally and sexually intense, and at times it may be difficult for either of them to exercise emotional control.

Nevertheless, during periods of personal change and upheaval, Victoria is likely to benefit from David's help, both emotionally and financially, because he seems to know just how to make Victoria's juices flow. In fact, there may be times when an almost constant need for sexual gratification dominates their relationship. David will act as a catalyst in Victoria's life and he can, if needed, rely on his support.

David will be willing to use his resources to help Victoria change and transform himself, and his life, at the deepest level. With sexuality and intimacy very much to the fore, David may bring Victoria the confidence to really come to terms with deep issues of trust, learning to be vulnerable through developing a deep desire for greater intimacy within their relationship.

At times David can appear possessive, but he does offer the possibility of bringing stability into Victoria's life. Not only is the sexual side of Victoria's nature aroused by him, but so too is the potential of a deep spiritual awakening. This is likely to occur when they really get 'up close and personal'.

While power struggles can manifest from time to time over issues of money, sex, and power within the relationship, this is a reflection of deeper issues of trust that will surface between Victoria and David as their relationship grows and evolves through periods of personal and spiritual rebirth and transformation.

David and Victoria's relationship is likely to be emotionally intense. David and Victoria are likely to go through many personal transitions and upheavals together. David has the capacity to act like a mid-wife of the soul to Victoria, helping guide Victoria through periods of major life change.


David's Moon Quincunx Victoria's Mars

The sparks are sure to fly when David and Victoria get together. Whilst there is a powerful attraction between them, their relationship can be very exciting and very volatile. In time Victoria may become impatient with David, and emotions are likely to run high, increasing the possibility of serious conflicts.

David is hypersensitive to Victoria and he may nag or be so touchy towards David that it begins to affect David's emotional and physical well-being. Victoria will want to take the lead and, at times, may even try to coerce David into doing what he wants.


'Close One'

David's Moon Quincunx Victoria's Saturn

There is a lot of glue between David and Victoria, the kind of glue that keeps people together. However, in time, Victoria can have a frustrating effect on David and may even affect his emotional well being by being too critical and unfeeling. Victoria can appear aloof and indifferent to the plight of David and it wouldn't be long before he began to resent the restrictions placed upon him by Victoria, making him even more sensitive to Victoria.

Whether he knows it or not, Victoria appears to be too hard to please and may even block or oppose David's plans. Domestic difficulties and financial disagreements are likely. Unless there are other mitigating factors in the relationship, this association is unlikely to benefit either party.


David's Moon Squares Victoria's Uranus

The chemistry between David and Victoria was apparent from the start, and the sparks really fly when they get together. However, sooner or later some big differences are likely to surface, bringing irritations and conflict to the fore. David and Victoria are likely to have an emotionally volatile relationship.

Victoria's increasing fickleness and unreliability in David's eyes can be irritating to him. Victoria can upset David emotionally, whilst he will become increasingly sensitive to his eccentricities. Victoria can be inconsiderate, apparently disregarding David's feelings, needs, and views.

If David and Victoria do team up together, although there is strong chemistry between them, inevitably the relationship will be disruptive in some way. It may even be so unconventional and indiscreet that it ends up causing trouble for one or both parties. Although eventful and exciting David and Victoria are likely to suffer from many upsets and separations with the ensuing instability and insecurity.

Emotional support

David's Moon Trines Victoria's Pluto

David and Victoria can offer each other tremendous emotional support in a close relationship, especially during periods of major personal change and upheaval. Victoria enlarges David's worldview and potential and stimulates his imagination. David and Victoria share a strong physical attraction that can prove intense, passionate, and provocative, challenging each other to travel uncharted territory together.

David's career and ambitions

The effect David is likely to have on Victoria's achievements. Particularly those relating to his professional life. Including any authority he may hold and his status and ambitions.


How David's energetic drive affects Victoria's ambition

David's Mars in Victoria's 10th House

David's competitive drive and determination will encourage Victoria to be more effective and productive and thereby, successful in his professional life. David really can help Victoria succeed professionally and he may be prepared to work tirelessly to further his reputation and status in the eyes of the world.

However, conflicts may arise if Victoria considers David too rash, impatient, and impulsive. Too much career pressure from David may create rivalry and antagonism, and if they can't resolve their differences, then Victoria's reputation and status may actually suffer through his association with David. This will especially be so if David's insistence on doing things his way lead Victoria into hot water with superiors and people in positions of power and authority.

Nevertheless, David can give Victoria constant stimulus to achieve and his energetic support may enable Victoria to peak, reach his highest potential and best level of performance but again, too much pressure will not do anybody or the partnership, any good.

David may be a great leader or director by profession or in some other way out there in the world. When it comes to Victoria's work and career, Victoria must remember that Victoria does not always have to abide by, agree with, or follow every decision David makes.


How David's optimism influences Victoria's ambition

David's Jupiter in Victoria's 10th House

David can have an important influence on Victoria's career, vocation and worldly status and may act as a guide or mentor in the ways of the world. Victoria is likely to benefit socially, professionally and even financially through his association with him.

David is likely to come to the aid of Victoria, offering guidance and assistance and may use his influence in helping him achieve his goals and ambitions. In fact, David and Victoria have the potential for a very promising professional relationship.

Under David's influence and support, Victoria is likely to take greater risks, aim higher, and achieve more in his professional life than he would, were it not for his support. David can give him much confidence and encouragement, so much so that sometimes things may get a little flat for him when he isn't around. When they are out and about together, Victoria seems to come alive, gaining extra confidence and optimism when in his company.

Whether or not they end up in business together, David is likely to prove very helpful when it comes to furthering Victoria's aims and reputation. This may involve giving emotional or financial support, giving advice and direction, or just looking after those elements of Victoria's life that get in the way of him achieving his potential.

David may have a better overall perspective of Victoria's career than Victoria does, and Victoria can turn to David for advice on expanding Victoria's horizons professionally. On very practical matters, however, Victoria may have to look elsewhere for useful advice.


'Close One'

David's Jupiter Trines Victoria's Neptune

In many ways David and Victoria are likely to have a very idealistic relationship. Spiritual and religious interest are encouraged in both, with David coming from a more established viewpoint and cultural perspective while Victoria brings a certain 'otherworldly' or even mystical quality.

There may be evidence of a strong, almost telepathic or psychic link between David and Victoria, with the relationship tending to prove fortunate for both. This is a highly spiritual combination with a strong probability that you will share a belief in something beyond the here and now.

Power struggles

David's Jupiter Opposes Victoria's Pluto

Although David and Victoria have the ability to create grand plans together (and the potential power to make them a reality), nevertheless, they will eventually have to do something about their very deep differences in order to achieve their aims. Victoria may eventually appear to try to thwart or frustrate David's attempts to progress. Power struggles are likely over ethical, financial or even metaphysical matters.

David may find Victoria's approach too manipulative or too secretive, while Victoria may consider David's optimism and happy-go-lucky approach to life lacking in depth and sincerity. Victoria can become too obsessive, possessive and domineering while David may resent having his wings clipped and ideals undermined.

The friends and associates David and Victoria have

Friends, acquaintances, associates, associations, clubs, or any group David feels a part of. David's hopes, wishes and professional values and how Victoria might play his part in them.


How David's vitality affects Victoria's friendships

David's Sun in Victoria's 11th House

David is likely to have a big impact on Victoria's social life. He can bring him into the company of likeminded people who can affect and influence his hopes and aspirations. David and Victoria are likely to have a busy and active social life, and Victoria is likely to gain through David's popularity and influence, which can be as much political as it is social.

This bodes well for a stable, long-lasting relationship since there is likely to be a strong bond of friendship between David and Victoria, regardless of what other factors there are in the relationship.

David enhances Victoria's feelings of social acceptance and security and can have a big influence on Victoria's role in and contribution to society.

At social events and in groups settings, Victoria feels more glamorous, confident, and special with David by his side.

David's ability to shine in social settings can rub off on Victoria, by sharing the limelight with him, Victoria can benefit from increased attention, popularity, and a wider circle of friends and acquaintances.


'Close One'

David's Sun Sextiles Victoria's Venus

There is a certain magnetic attraction between David and Victoria. Sympathy, affection, companionship, and devotion - all encourage mutual admiration and support. David and Victoria should find domestic harmony and co-operation simple to achieve. They feel at ease in each other's company and can relax, communicating effortlessly, with one another. David and Victoria are equally encouraging and co-operative and will share many interests, amusements, and pleasures together.


David's Sun Sextiles Victoria's Jupiter

This is a very positive and fortunate meeting between David and Victoria, that can make them feel that the world is their oyster. David and Victoria are encouraging, protective and helpful towards each other. Victoria protects, helps and gives David confidence while David inspires Victoria's sense of optimism.

Victoria is a lucky omen for David, and so they really bring out the best in each other. Tolerance and loyalty inspire mutual trust and confidence and represent an important ingredient that promises much happiness and satisfaction in David and Victoria's relationship.


David's Sun Quincunx Victoria's Neptune

Victoria is somehow elusive or unfathomable to David, he is not always what he appears to be and, as a result, misunderstandings can easily creep into David and Victoria's relationship. Victoria can also be elusive, unreliable and even dishonest. Victoria may appear submissive but in fact uses subtle means to control or undermine David.

Difficulties are likely to be exacerbated if either David or Victoria starts to put the needs of the relationship before their own because that could result in them losing their direction. They could become increasingly confused about what was important and what was not.

Misunderstandings, doubts, confusion, and distrust will eventually undermine David and Victoria's relationship unless other, more positive aspects of the relationship, exert a strong, protective influence. David can feel spiritually and emotionally undermined by Victoria, while he may increasingly feel David takes his for granted.


How David's words affect Victoria's friendships

David's Mercury in Victoria's 11th House

Whether or not David and Victoria first met socially or at a special event or gathering, they will enjoy a busy and active social life together. Victoria enjoys David's company and feels comfortable in his presence at social events since he always has something to say and can be an entertaining and interesting companion and guest.

David will be good for Victoria socially and will quickly develop a rapport with his friends and associates. David's ideas and humanitarian ideals will be a subject of much interest to Victoria who may put a lot of store by his opinions and what he has to say.

David will also bring Victoria into the company of people who will share many of his aspirations. Victoria stimulates and awakens David's mind, giving him many original ideas and inspiration.

David can learn a lot from the association and, in turn, can encourage Victoria to make more of his insights and intuitions. David and Victoria enjoy each other's company and conversations, each having a rejuvenating effect on the other, with a vigorous and sparkling repartee and an exciting exchange of ideas.

Most likely, Victoria will not consider David as shy, but rather as someone who communicates effectively whether at a party or in a board meeting. David has many ideas which are usually well expressed, and Victoria considers David good company and a good asset in social situations.


'Close One'

David's Mercury Quincunx Victoria's Uranus

Victoria's stimulating effect on David could easily spill over to irritation with Victoria proving himself to be increasingly unreliable and unpredictable. David can seem too superficial and differences of opinion and misunderstandings may lead inevitably to conflict.

Many adjustments and allowances will need to be made, especially by David, for the relationship to last. In time David may become increasingly reluctant to get involved with Victoria because of the disruptions and upheaval caused to his plans. The relationship is likely to be plagued with impatience, tension, and many minor irritations.

Separations are likely when temporary periods of calmness make way for periods of almost chaotic activity. Disagreement may become a permanent feature of the relationship if both David and Victoria don't give each other plenty of space and freedom.

David's mysterious nature and resulting reactions

Illusion, when things are not quite what they seem. Secrets, ideas, deception and self-deception, dreams, intuition and drugs, illness, institutions. Anywhere it is difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on, is likely to be hard for David to fathom.


How David's charms affect Victoria's unconscious mind

David's Venus in Victoria's 12th House

David and Victoria share a deep, although somewhat unusual, connection. There is a strong psychic or telepathic link between them and, if they believe in reincarnation or past lives, may have a strong feeling they have met before in another lifetime.

David and Victoria's relationship may have some obstacles to overcome, and while they can inspire an almost selfless love in one another, there may be an element of sacrifice or suffering which influences the relationship in some way.

There may even be something secretive or even clandestine about David and Victoria's relationship. David brings out an almost devotional quality in the affection Victoria has for him.

Victoria may also find that when they are in most need of love and reassurance, David has a knack of being there for him, offering much sympathetic companionship and understanding.

Whether he intends to or not, it may be difficult at times for David not to take advantage of Victoria's good nature, and at such times, he is prone to put David on a pedestal. It may be difficult not to let seduction lead to exploitation.

At other times it may be hard to get David to express his love and affection towards Victoria, but when it is expressed, he will be left with a warm glow, invisible but real, as David's love penetrates the barriers between them.

This can be a tricky combination. Positively David can be a big, yet hidden source of comfort and support, almost like Victoria's guardian angel.

David and Victoria may find that it is when they escape from it all to spend time together that their relationship really blossoms, so it is vital to have frequent quality time alone together to develop and express their love for one another in a peaceful, private and intimate setting.

There is an element of idealism and personal sacrifice in David and Victoria's personal relationship, which may take the form of David providing love and support away from prying eyes, while outwardly Victoria maintains an impenetrable persona as a successful individual.

Victoria's desire to experience a mystical union can catapult David and himself into a seemingly fated relationship in which they may struggle at times to control an almost compulsive urge to merge with one another.

Your partner may not be demonstrative or express affection easily, and this could sometimes make you question whether your partner really cares. If you bring your concerns out into the open, you may find that there's more support than you appreciated.

There may be times when David and Victoria behave as if they are addicted to one another. Feeling terribly lovesick when apart, when reunited, they may be unable to control themselves, encouraging each other to indulge in excessive sensual and sexual activities.


David's Venus Trines Victoria's Uranus

David and Victoria share one of the strongest indicators for mutual attraction and fascination one could expect to find in a romantic relationship. There is a magnetic attraction between them - a love that emerged suddenly and intensely, and may even have been love at first sight. This is a stimulating and exciting combination, and something is unique or unusual, about David and Victoria's relationship.

Victoria is altruistic, inspiring, and encouraging towards David. Romantic feelings are strong and intense. There is something magnetic about their love for each other, and while they will experience many changes and upheavals, there is something permanent about their mutual infatuation and fascination. Over time David and Victoria will be able to continually reinvigorate their relationship as they effortlessly find new ways to express their affection for one another.

Love and what Victoria values most about David

Victoria's impact on David's sense of self-worth, his possessions, material security and personal value system.


How Victoria's energetic drive affects David's values

Victoria's Mars in David's 2nd House

When it comes to making or spending money, Victoria is always on the go and will encourage David to develop his financial assets and show enterprise and initiative when it comes to handling his money.

However, David may consider Victoria too adventurous, impatient and impulsive when it comes to money, and his tendency to overspend may lead to quarrels over money and a struggle between them for greater financial independence.

Money and finances could be a source of conflict, but it is more likely that it is due to Victoria's interest in David's financial affairs. So unless David feels happy to let Victoria take charge of the purse strings, to avoid conflict it's probably best they try not to get too closely involved in joint finances since they may have very different ideas about how business should be conducted - and that could be a source of tension and disagreements.

David may think that Victoria wants to handle David's money, or at least tell David how to spend it. This could help David get their act together. Or perhaps it would be easier just to let Victoria take charge of the finances. However, David may need to put their foot down if they think Victoria is reckless with money or spending too much.


'Close One'

Victoria's Mars Trines David's Uranus

There is a strong physical attraction between Victoria and David. They not only encourage confidence and initiative in one another. They also find each other's company refreshing and stimulating. David brings out Victoria's dynamic and aggressive side whilst Victoria stimulates David's originality and creativity. Together they make an unconventional couple, and their love life is likely to be an exciting and unpredictable adventure. If their ambitions coincide, Victoria and David can combine the best of their dynamic and inventive qualities together.


How Victoria's discipline affects David's values

Victoria's Saturn in David's 2nd House

Victoria may put pressure on David to make more of himself, which is fine when it is encouragement but, if Victoria should nag or be critical of David, then this is likely to have a detrimental effect on his confidence.

Victoria can help David manage his financial affairs, offering sensible, albeit conservative, advice and acting as a brake upon any reckless tendencies David may have when it comes to money.

However, at times, it may feel like there is a fine line between a prudent approach to financial affairs and penny-pinching.

At his best, Victoria can act likely a wise bank manager, helping David achieve greater long-term security. At his worst, however, Victoria may at times prove to be a financial burden for David.

Nevertheless, Victoria must be careful to do his best to encourage David in all his activities since he will be extra sensitive to his disapproval and criticism which could dent his self-esteem and make it even more difficult for him to make the most of his potential.

If David is careless with money, this can make Victoria stressed. Victoria is probably much more conservative, practical, and serious when it comes to money matters.

Victoria may feel more comfortable if they are allowed to take care of the finances. This can work well for Victoria and David as long as David agrees and doesn't feel too restricted.


'Close One'

Victoria's Saturn Trines David's Uranus

David can bring the new and unusual into Victoria's life whilst he in turn offers David a practical and constructive outlet for his original insights and ideas. Victoria can also bring wisdom and direction to David's plans and aspirations.

This relationship can combine the best of the old and the new, with both Victoria and David offering something different and yet complementary to enrich the union. David can stimulate Victoria's desire for change while Victoria can offer David a steadying influence.

Nevertheless, Victoria must become more flexible, while David must try to be more consistent and responsible for the relationship to endure.

How Victoria's work and health Influences David

How Victoria might have an effect on the work and service, health, diet and dress sense of David. As well as his personal habits and the other more ordinary details of his life.


How Victoria's originality affects David's daily life

Victoria's Uranus in David's 6th House

David may find life with Victoria unpredictable and exciting. David may find that no matter how hard he tries to stick to his regular routine, Victoria manages to upset the schedule and introduce new priorities - probably when they are least expected.

Victoria may help David look differently at how he lives his life and how he manages day-to-day aspects of living by introducing him to innovative, time saving devices.

Victoria may also introduce David to new and revolutionary diets and exercise routines, and they may both enjoy engaging in unusual keep-fit activities together.

If Victoria is continually unreliable, then he may disrupt David's attempts to get on with the chores and necessities of life.

If he becomes too critical of David, constantly fault-finding or pointing out how things can be done better and more efficiently, then the tensions and irritations could take their toll on David, leaving him subject to minor stress-related ailments.

David may not be able to count on Victoria to follow a rigid daily routine or to accomplish tedious tasks consistently. Victoria's energy will probably come in spurts, take advantage of it when it's there. Ultimately all that's important can get done.

Minor detail

'Close One'

Victoria's Uranus Semisquare David's Neptune

Differences in social, cultural and political views between Victoria and David may magnify any other difference within their relationship although this characteristic is unlikely to be more than a minor irritation, accentuating the generational differences between Victoria and David.


How Victoria influences David's daily life

Victoria's Pluto in David's 6th House

Victoria may be only too willing to be of service to David, running around doing lots of little things for him. However, by looking after the little details of life Victoria may end up indirectly controlling David. At his best, Victoria's very presence can have a therapeutic effect on David. Victoria may take a keen interest in his welfare and help and encourage him to adopt a healthier diet and lifestyle.

At his worst, however, Victoria can appear like a fussy busybody, constantly being critical of David. Therefore Victoria needs to be careful to offer David encouragement rather than constantly finding fault.

Otherwise, his criticism may have a detrimental effect. If David thinks his every move is being subjected to scrutiny by Victoria, he may begin to lose self-confidence and Victoria's criticisms may even make him physically ill.

On another level, Victoria and David may find they need sex on a regular basis to help discharge tension and rejuvenate themselves. Nevertheless, problems in Victoria and David's sex life could have detrimental effects on David's health, and any related illness may well be traced back to difficulties in the bedroom.

A healthy sex life is important for them both, and they'll find that the healthier and fitter they are, the more they'll get out of their sex life.

If Victoria and David have kinky inclinations, they could soon find themselves in an erotic master-slave scenario, incorporating whips, chains, blindfolds, latex rubber, and other sexually titillating paraphernalia. Even if the intimate side of Victoria and David's relationship isn't so extreme, Victoria and David would both benefit from swapping roles occasionally.

How Victoria relates to David and others

Marriage and other partnerships. How Victoria deals with people in general.


How Victoria's altruism influences David's ability to relate

Victoria's Neptune in David's 7th House

There is something unusual or unique about Victoria and David's relationship. There will be times when they genuinely feel that theirs is a marriage made in heaven, very romantic and idealistic.

Whether they are aware of it or not, David may not want or be able, to see Victoria as he truly is. David is apt to put Victoria on a pedestal and either look up to him with adoration and awe or, alternatively, may feel a great deal of sympathy and compassion for Victoria creating a strong desire to take care of him, to make personal sacrifices or to rescue him in some way.

Therefore, it may be only too easy for Victoria to take advantage of David's support and good nature. David can find Victoria quite hard to pin down as if Victoria's true self is somewhat elusive. Because of the great sensitivity between them, misunderstandings can arise as they are prone to get a little too close for comfort at times.

Victoria may introduce David into a circle of new and unusual characters who may be glamorous or notorious in some way. However, it will depend on the quality of Victoria's character as to whether he introduces him to people of a mystical or spiritual nature, or if he introduces him to disagreeable individuals who may be untrustworthy, anti-social misfits on the fringes of the law.

The attraction between Victoria and David may be difficult to explain, and outsiders may, at times, express a certain puzzlement about what it is that binds them together.

Victoria has a certain quality, allure, or mystique that David finds beguiling and attractive. Victoria has a sensitizing, intoxicating, and even spiritualizing influence on David. David shouldn't waste time or energy trying to analyze, rescue, or reform Victoria but should learn to accept Victoria as they are; otherwise, David may suffer disappointment.


Victoria's Neptune Sextiles David's Pluto

Victoria and David share generational characteristics, and their ideas and views will be shaped by the same political, social, and religious structures within society. Although not necessarily an important aspect of Victoria and David's relationship, this can be an indicator of a spiritual tie, which could lead to greater understanding.

The friends and associates Victoria and David have

Friends, acquaintances, associates, associations, clubs, or any group Victoria feels a part of. Victoria's hopes, wishes and professional values and how David might play his part in them.


How Victoria's way of behaving affects David's friendships

Victoria's Moon in David's 11th House

Victoria and David share many interests and aspirations and will enjoy a busy social life together. Victoria will be of great help to David, encouraging him to make his cherished hopes and wishes a reality.

It is likely that they may have met socially, through friends or some group activity, sharing their humanitarian ideals. Victoria will have a strong influence on David's social life and activities and may well introduce him to a new social circle that can be of great help to him.

Together they are likely to have a busy and active social life with David likely to gain through Victoria's popularity and influence, which can be political as well as social. Such mutual affection between them bodes well for a long-term relationship because of their strong bond.

Victoria enhances David's feelings of social acceptance and security and can have a big impact on his role in and contribution to society. However much their desires for one another wax and wane; they share a deep feeling of friendship, which will enable them to weather many of life's storms together.

Victoria is popular and comfortable in social settings and often goes out of their way to take care of David and make David feel at home while socializing together. Victoria frequently adopts a maternal role, and friends and acquaintances often seek out Victoria and David for support, encouragement, and advice.


'Close One'

Victoria's Moon Squares David's Mercury

Victoria can be hypersensitive to David and at times may even misconstrue his motivations or interests. Misunderstandings may occur since Victoria may not always be able to relate to David's perspective or point of view - or may just not agree with them. David can become critical and impatient with Victoria's lack of clarity and common sense.

A 'head' versus 'heart' conflict may ensue. Since Victoria is so sensitive to David, his insensitivity or tactlessness can easily upset him. David fails to appreciate Victoria's moods and feelings, whilst Victoria fails to appreciate the logic behind some of David's ideas.

A simple lack of understanding rather than any mutual animosity may be the real factor that threatens to undermine Victoria and David's relationship.


Victoria's Moon Trines David's Venus

There is a great deal of love, sympathy, and affection between Victoria and David. The deep devotion and emotional harmony between Victoria and David can go a long way to overcoming any difficulties they may have in other areas of their relationship. There will always be growing (and lasting) attraction and attachment between them.

Whatever uncertainties the future holds, Victoria and David's relationship has one of the most important ingredients for long-term love and romance. They have a comforting effect on one another and can benefit from their association financially as well as emotionally. Victoria and David's deep companionship enhances their social life and the enjoyment of their mutual interests.


Victoria's Moon Semisquare David's Jupiter

Victoria and David's relationship has the potential for much mutual happiness and good fortune. This is a larger than life combination, and so, while they can grow and prosper together, they can overdo it. In fact, David may be guilty of promising more than he can deliver, whilst Victoria, in turn, can over-estimate David's abilities and capacities. Victoria may expect too much of David.

While Victoria and David have a sentimental attachment towards one another, somehow, they may feel their relationship doesn't live up to what may be unrealistic expectations, leaving each other open to disappointment and disillusionment.

At times Victoria may try to take advantage of David, again demanding and expecting too much. Alternatively David may try to impose him religious, moral, or philosophical values on Victoria. Nevertheless, if they can somehow manage to tame their excesses, they can be very good for each other.


Victoria's Moon Sesquiquadrate David's Saturn

There is a lot of glue between Victoria and David, the kind of glue that keeps people together. However, in time, David can have a frustrating affect on Victoria and may even affect his emotional well being by being too critical and unfeeling. David can appear aloof and indifferent to the plight of Victoria and it wouldn't be long before he began to resent the restrictions placed upon him by David, making him even more sensitive to David.

Whether he knows it or not, David appears to be too hard to please and may even block or oppose Victoria's plans. Domestic difficulties and financial disagreements are likely. Unless there are other mitigating factors in the relationship, this association is unlikely to benefit either party.


Victoria's Moon Trines David's Uranus

David awakens the free spirit in Victoria while his whimsicality and imagination inspires his. Victoria brings out David's originality and versatility making this a very stimulating and exciting adventure of a relationship.

The chemistry between Victoria and David was apparent from the start, and there is something unpredictable, spontaneous, and thrilling about their experiences together. There is something unconventional or unusual about Victoria's and David's relationship, and their mutual infatuation and fascination will never fade.


How Victoria's charms affect David's friendships and aspirations

Victoria's Venus in David's 11th House

Victoria and David enjoy each other's company, and when they first met, which may have been at a social event, or through friends, they will have established an instant rapport and mutual appreciation.

David sees Victoria as a friend as well as a lover. In fact, the friendship and social side to the relationship may be more important to him than the more intimate areas of their relationship.

Anyway, Victoria and David may not have much time for a private life since they'll be out and about more often than they are in. Victoria is likely to be a bit of a socialite and, as such, is good for David socially and will be very popular with his friends and associates.

It is important for David that Victoria gets on with his friends and enjoys being out and about as much as he does.

Victoria will also widen his social circle, bringing him into contact with artistic, wealthy, and glamorous individuals who will share many of David's values and aspirations.

There may be times in David's relationship with Victoria that they have trouble distinguishing friendship from love.

A good friend doesn't always make a good partner - although Victoria and David's genuine friendship and fondness for each other's company can help them overcome many of the obstacles life brings.

However, things turn out, Victoria and David will probably remain, good friends, even if they have a tendency to fall in and out of love with each other down through the years.

David sees Victoria very much as a kindred spirit, someone who shares his humanitarian ideals and hopes and wishes for the future.

If Victoria and David are particularly group-oriented, they might prove a very effective team uniting together behind some humanitarian cause.

Victoria's charm, popularity, and personal magnetism can rub off on David, who is likely to benefit socially through their association with Victoria.

Victoria can be a valuable asset to David at social events and may also open doors for David, introducing David to a wider social circle of helpful friends, acquaintances, and professional connections.

Physical attraction

Victoria's Venus Conjuncts David's Mars

The powerful physical attraction between Victoria and David and strong physical desire to consummate their love together is the stuff of novels and soap operas. The more intimate side of their relationship is sure to be passionate and energetic with sex and sensual indulgence the most loved of all activities they share.

With so much electricity between Victoria and David, it would take a great effort for them to keep apart or out of each other's arms for long, enabling them to sustain a happy, healthy and vigorous sex life.

Victoria and David are compatible outside as well as inside the bedroom, and time will do little to diminish the powerful chemistry between them. David's desire stimulates the love and affection Victoria has for his, and this can bring much emotional satisfaction, passion, and desire to their relationship.

Well suited

'Close One'

Victoria's Venus Semisextile David's Jupiter

Victoria and David are very generous and loving towards one another and share many common interests. They are well suited, enjoy each other's company, are very affectionate, and benefit considerably from being together. Victoria and David stimulate each other to grow, to go further and achieve more together than they could alone.

Therefore any kind of activity that they can engage in together that allows them to broaden their horizons, whether through study or travel, would greatly enrich their lives. Victoria and David are lucky for each other because they give one another the self-confidence, optimism, and encouragement to get more out of life.

Work well

Victoria's Venus Trines David's Saturn

Although they may have taken their time getting to know each other, early on Victoria and David would have become aware that their relationship had the kind of glue necessary for a serious commitment. They feel secure and satisfied with each other.

David has a steadying effect and protective influence on Victoria who, in turn, helps boost David's confidence through his powerful love and affection for him. Mutual trust and loyalty between Victoria and David augurs well for a stable long-term relationship. David feels a certain responsibility and duty towards Victoria, taking a protective interest in his welfare, and they can both work very well together.


'Close One'

Victoria's Venus Squares David's Neptune

This relationship can bring out the best, and the worst, in Victoria and David. Unfortunately, there is unlikely to be a straightforward middle way. Physical, sensual, and financial activity may go to extremes. While there is a certain sympathy and devotion between them, they are unlikely to be able to see each other clearly.

Confusion, misunderstandings, and deception could well creep into the relationship. Victoria may need to make sure David can deliver what he promises as he may be apt to deceive or confuse Victoria. This may be a source of problems, especially where financial issues are concerned.

In time Victoria may consider David unreliable, untrustworthy, and even ineffectual. Victoria is likely to suffer more than David in the relationship. David can mislead, entice, enchant, but also delude and confuse Victoria, who may need to be careful that he does not lose out financially from the association. Self-indulgence, excess, and a mutual desire to avoid worldly responsibilities may lead to degenerating and bewildering tendencies between Victoria and David being exacerbated.


How Victoria's optimism influences David's friendships

Victoria's Jupiter in David's 11th House

Victoria and David are likely to enjoy a fruitful and long-lasting friendship. It is likely they share many mutual interests and ideals. Victoria may act almost like a guide, introducing him to a new and ever-widening circle of friends who will prove of great benefit and support to him in the future.

Victoria and David's social life and friendships flourish when they team up together. They may join forces with a like-minded group of kindred spirits who share their humanitarian interests and ideals. Either directly or indirectly, David is also likely to gain both socially and professionally from Victoria's good fortune and inspirational influence.

David may see Victoria as the life of the party, or one who, at least, makes social activities more fun for David. If, however, the social scene begins to take over David's life, Victoria and David should find a worthwhile cause or other activities and interest Victoria and David can enjoy that allows David together while directing their energies in less demanding directions that give Victoria and David more opportunities to rest.


Victoria's Jupiter Trines David's Saturn

Victoria and David can provide each other with much mutual help and support. They could work well together on either a commercial or financial basis, as well as a personal level. The prudence and practicality of David blends well with the larger than life, optimistic talents of Victoria. Together Victoria and David work well, each able to supply what the other needs, or lacks, feeling somehow much more complete when they are in each other's company.

Victoria can raise the spirits and expectations of David, enabling his to overcome some of his fears and anxieties. David can help Victoria to focus by giving much valuable, practical, and realistic advice, thus enabling him to make his dreams come true. Victoria and David can be very good for each other personally, or if they are involved in business together, their association could prove to be profitable.


Victoria's Jupiter Squares David's Neptune

If either Victoria or David is prone to indulge in dissolute habits, wanton, lustful, or sensual pleasures, then together, they may well exacerbate these tendencies in each other. Over time this may have a thoroughly unsettling and corrupting influence upon Victoria and/or David, which could easily get them into difficult situations.

David can adversely affect Victoria's self-confidence, good intentions, and optimism. Victoria will find David elusive, vague, and sometimes even dishonest. Eventually, disagreement and misunderstandings over metaphysical or moral matters could spoil the relationship. Unless other mitigating factors apply in this relationship, it may be undermined by mutual distrust, delusion, and even deception.

Power struggles

Victoria's Jupiter Quincunx David's Pluto

Although Victoria and David have the ability to create grand plans together (and the potential power to make them a reality), nevertheless, they will eventually have to do something about their very deep differences in order to achieve their aims. David may eventually appear to try to thwart or frustrate Victoria's attempts to progress. Power struggles are likely over ethical, financial, or even metaphysical matters.

Victoria may find David's approach too manipulative or too secretive, while David may consider Victoria's optimism and happy-go-lucky approach to a life lacking in depth and sincerity. David can become too obsessive, possessive and domineering while Victoria may resent having his wings clipped and ideals undermined.

Victoria's mysterious nature and resulting reactions

Illusion, when things are not quite what they seem. Secrets, ideas, deception and self-deception, dreams, intuition and drugs, illness, institutions. Anywhere it is difficult to get a clear picture of what is going on, is likely to be hard for Victoria to fathom.


How Victoria's vitality affects David's unconscious mind

Victoria's Sun in David's 12th House

Victoria may turn out to be a bit of a blind spot for David. Victoria's influence, while powerful and profound, is unlikely to be obvious or clear cut. In fact, the benefits of the association may not be immediately apparent or obvious.

David has something important to learn from Victoria, but this may be concerned with issues of suffering and sacrifice. Personal growth and development are promised by the association, but it may be more on a spiritual level, raising David's level of consciousness.

David may feel psychologically supported by Victoria who has the knack of being there for him. David needs to be careful not to take Victoria for granted, since the way things seem to work and fit into place between them, may appear effortless at times.

There also appears to be a strong, unspoken, almost telepathic link between them. Victoria can have a deep emotional influence on David, often in ways that are difficult to understand or articulate. David may feel threatened or undermined by Victoria since he may not always understand his motivations and true intentions.

Therefore it is important that lines of communication are kept open between Victoria and David since this powerful influence could be plagued by misunderstandings. However, Victoria's motivations may be beyond David's understanding, which, at first, may have been a source of concern.

David's initial reaction to Victoria may have been a combination of fear and distrust, combined with an almost compulsive fascination. Victoria may have inspired a certain mystery and complex in his heart and mind. He can offer David hidden support and encouragement and will help him get to the roots of his emotions.

In times of difficultly, trouble, or emotional upheaval, Victoria can act as a shining, guiding light in the darkness for David. At their best, Victoria can provide David with a hidden source of support. Both Victoria and David can benefit from retreating from the world periodically, to rest, recuperate, and recharge their batteries together.

Different views

'Close One'

Victoria's Sun Squares David's Moon

There is strong chemistry between Victoria and David, each seeming to complement the other, providing what the other needs or is missing in some way. However, it is almost certain that they will clash before long because they are likely to have different views about the home and domestic arena as well as different ambitions and attitudes to worldly matters.

Victoria can sometimes come across as insensitive and inconsiderate to David's needs, while David can appear moody and inconsistent at times to Victoria. David will need to try not to be so sensitive and not to take Victoria so seriously.

Victoria and David's relationship can only grow and develop if they are prepared to accept each other's differences - which is partly what bought them together in the first place.


'Close One'

Victoria's Sun Opposes David's Uranus

Victoria and David's relationship is likely to be a bit of a rollercoaster ride, and while it may well start with a bang, it could be a real challenge to stop it going off the rails with David having a disconcerting, disruptive and disorderly effect on Victoria.

After a brief period of intense fascination and infatuation, the differences between Victoria and David quickly appear. Conflicts lead to an on/off relationship with David's unpredictability leading to Victoria's eventual resentment and irritation. David will rebel against Victoria's attempt to assert his will and his impatience and rebelliousness will increase with time and make it difficult for them to sustain a committed relationship.


'Close One'

Victoria's Sun Sesquiquadrate David's Neptune

David is somehow elusive or unfathomable to Victoria, he is not always what he appears to be and, as a result, misunderstandings can easily creep into Victoria and David's relationship. David can also be elusive, unreliable and even dishonest. David may appear submissive but in fact uses subtle means to control or undermine Victoria.

Difficulties are likely to be exacerbated if either Victoria or David starts to put the needs of the relationship before their own because that could result in them losing their direction. They could become increasingly confused about what was important and what was not.

Misunderstandings, doubts, confusion, and distrust will eventually undermine Victoria and David's relationship unless other, more positive aspects of the relationship exert a strong, protective influence. Victoria can feel spiritually and emotionally undermined by David, while he may increasingly feel Victoria takes his for granted.


How Victoria's words affect David's unconscious

Victoria's Mercury in David's 12th House

There is something unusual about the mental connection between Victoria and David, and they can pick up subtle communications from each other as if they can read each other's thoughts. The almost telepathic connection and sympathetic understanding between Victoria and David creates effortless communication between them.

Victoria inspires David and brings out a deeper dimension to his perspective on life, love and the universe, encouraging his special interests and latent abilities. However, while Victoria can enchant David, he can also confuse or even mislead him, whether by accident or design, since his influence has the potential to undermine him.

Whether Victoria is aware or not, from David's perspective, he can make some situations unclear and confusing. Misunderstandings could undermine the relationship. Victoria is more likely to be the one who creates the problem, maybe on the misguided assumption that it would be best for David if he kept certain things quiet for fear of worrying him.

However, because of the strong link between them, Victoria's motives may only serve to undermine David who is apt to perceive that something is amiss. If such situations arise, David may not be able to put his finger on what is wrong except to admit certain unease.

It is vital that Victoria and David develop a relationship based on mutual trust and sympathy. Otherwise, David may feel unable to trust telling Victoria too much for fear of being undermined through gossip and misunderstandings.

Victoria and David may sometimes feel as if they have a telepathic link, the ability to read each other's minds. David may try to read between the lines when Victoria is talking, either hearing innuendoes or feeling there is more to the words than meets the eye. However, David needs to have their intuition and hunches confirmed periodically to avoid communication problems between Victoria and David.


'Close One'

Victoria's Mercury Conjuncts David's Jupiter

Victoria and David can learn a lot from each other. They bring each other intellectual understanding and inspiration, and their conversations are likely to be lively and witty, each enjoying the other's company - often behaving like a comic double act. The optimistic, inspirational qualities of David inspire Victoria and encourage him to broaden his horizons and make more of his mental abilities.

Creative self-expression is enhanced for both Victoria and David in this relationship. Victoria helps David communicate his dreams and aspirations, making them more viable and realistic while David inspires Victoria's intellectual, moral, and spiritual qualities and development. David is tolerant of Victoria's ideas and opinions and will protect, inspire, and encourage his attempts to make the most of his talents.


Victoria's Mercury Squares David's Saturn

This characteristic of Victoria and David's can provide one of the foundations of a serious and committed union. David can have a steadying and calming influence on Victoria if he makes sure he tries to offer practical suggestions rather than criticisms of Victoria's many plans and schemes. Otherwise David may become too critical or restrictive of Victoria, finding him too superficial or fickle.

If David becomes too exacting or discouraging, belittling Victoria's ideas and opinions, he may become increasingly inhibited and even depressed in David's presence. David can worry or limit Victoria, adversely affecting his self-confidence and self-esteem.

In time, communication and co-operation will become increasingly fraught. David may resent Victoria's spontaneity and may put undue burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders.

Psychic link

'Close One'

Victoria's Mercury Trines David's Neptune

David's influence on Victoria is probably very subtle. Nevertheless David inspires, enchants and brings out a deeper dimension to Victoria's perspective on life, love and the universe, encouraging Victoria's special interests and latent abilities. There is something unusual that borders on a psychic link between Victoria and David.

At times it's almost as if Victoria and David can pick up subtle communications from one another and even read each other's thoughts. Mental understanding and an almost telepathic communication bring about sympathetic understanding and ease of communication between them.

Power struggles

'Close One'

Victoria's Mercury Opposes David's Pluto

Although there is a strong force that seems to compel Victoria and David to get together and air their opinions and differences, things can easily get out of hand. David can have a controlling, even manipulative, effect on Victoria who may find David too intense and demanding, feeling that he controls and dominates discussions all the time.

Resentments are likely to fester, especially if David considers Victoria too lightweight or superficial. Differences of opinion could lead to power struggles between Victoria and David.

David's Planetary Positions

May, 2nd 1975 Local Time 6:17 AM Universal Time 5:17 AM

London, UK 51°30'N, 0°08'W


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Victoria's Planetary Positions

April, 17th 1974 Local Time 10:07 AM Universal Time 9:07 AM

Harlow, UK 51°46'N, 0°05'E


North Node











House Cusp Positions











  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node