Meghan Markle
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Meghan's chart wheel

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

Forecast : 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

Meghan Markle

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA

Jump to Planetary Positions

Love & Passion Destiny

Hi Meghan,

This personal Astrology reading provides a fascinating insight into your Love & Passion Destiny.

It includes your Venus, often known as the Goddess of Love, as well as the placements of Mars and Neptune at the exact moment you were born. This information can be remarkably accurate in revealing your attitude toward love and romance, your fantasies, aspirations and passionate purpose.

It's important to remember that you have a choice about what develops in your world. If you want to be happier, then you can be, regardless of what occurs in the cosmos. However, your Love & Passion Destiny reading offers insight into your unique characteristics and can help you understand the part the heavens play in the unfolding story of your life.

To the right of each pair of 'aspect' symbols is a group of five stars. The darker the stars, the more powerful and significant the meaning of that aspect is to you.

We wish you a wonderful future!

Your Transit Calendar

Love, Comfort and Self-Expression

The lover you are, the lover you want and your creative side.

A Passionate Observer

Venus in Virgo

You're one of life's true 'observers.' Not only do you excel at watching what is happening, but you are also equally superb at assessing things, situations, and people. The truth is, you are happy to let a loved one do what they want until they need your help. Far be it for you to deliberately interfere with what someone close is doing, even if you can see umpteen mistakes they are making that they can't. When the time comes, you are brilliant at explaining how, where and why your loved one made any mistakes.

A part of you that exists on fear. It's as if you believe fear does you good sometimes, keeps you on your toes and helps you think one step ahead of others. You fear the repercussions of poking your nose where it might not be wanted. You fear making decisions about changes that will affect others. You fear the fact that so many people see you as someone who can always pull a right answer to any problem out of the bag. Equally, you fear not being able to provide answers sometimes.

However, you also possess an amazing ability to gravitate toward the finer, exquisite things in life. You don't just order a 'glass of red wine' in a restaurant; you request a vintage that only a true connoisseur will have heard of. You know how to truly indulge yourself and also enjoy introducing others to your tastes.

However, you are happiest when everything is picture perfect and therein lies the problem because your partner will have to get their head around your quest for perfection in all that you do if they are going to be with you forever more.


Sweet Talker

Venus in the 3rd House

You know much about how minds process information. There's a particular skill to this that you probably acquired at a young age.
It makes you adept at instigating and maintaining conversations that result, more often than not, in enthusiastic agreements rather than half-hearted compromises. It's not so much a case of knowing precisely what someone wants to hear but conveying yourself in a way that someone finds themselves nodding without fully considering what you've managed to get them to agree with or commit to!

Your Venus Aspects

Off-the Scale Sexiness Factor

Venus Sextiles Mars

Your beautiful appearance and alluring nature are genuine. There's nothing superficial about your elegance or charm. You possess a strong zest for life and an equally strong desire to experience everything intensely.

With you, little is done or experienced in 'half measures.' Your intensity is probably aimed most at your love life. Your harmonious and peaceful disposition helps you to attract non-aggressive people. However, where love partners are concerned, they too must be sexy and able to satisfy your strongly sensual desires!

Perfect Blend of Passion & Affection

Mars Sextiles Venus

You possess a perfect blend of sexual passion and affection make explains why you look and feel so sexy. You're confident and assertive with pursuing your desires without being overbearing.

This balance makes it easy for you to give and receive love and adoration and attract partners who match your sensual and sexy qualities. There's nothing superficial about your elegance or charm. You possess a strong zest for life and an equally strong desire to experience everything intensely, and the connections you form in all areas of your world are often based on intense mutual attraction, an understanding of mutual needs and plenty of chemistry!

Motivation, Impulsiveness and Passion

How you invest energy and express anger, confrontation, aggressiveness, and competitiveness.

Focusing Energies on Others

Mars in Cancer

You might choose to retreat or withdraw into your shell when faced with change or anything resembling confrontation. Despite possessing strong, tenacious qualities, you need to feel reassured before taking action. This can make you appear deceptively weak or indecisive in the eyes of others.

Through possessing strong nurturing and protective instincts, you'll often prefer to focus these on others, and this can make you very endearing - and sexually attractive!

Focusing your energies on others is often a more positive experience than focusing on yourself. Doing so often highlights concealed insecurities resulting in a tendency to be over-sensitive, too self-protective or self-critical.

You're extremely passionate and will display your argumentative or even manipulative abilities when confronted or angered. Your initial response to either is often more emotional than cerebral.

When feeling confident and reassured, your sympathetic, dependable, protective and helpful sides emerge in the most wonderful ways.


Selfless Leader

Mars in the 12th House

You're motivated deeply by selflessness, but often get what you want by helping others to get what they want.
You also probably do this without expecting anything in return. You make an excellent life coach by compassionately encouraging others to challenge themselves.
You prefer secrecy, isolation, and detachment rather than announcing your plans to the world or put yourself in a position where your success can be easily monitored.
You could tend to 'bottle up' aggressive energy within you, and this can be unpleasant when it is finally expressed. However, you soon experience inner peace and healing from doing so.

Your Mars Aspects

Powerfully Passionate

Moon Squares Mars

You possess an insatiable need to achieve your desires and have a strong emotional attachment to whatever you want or need. This is helpful with providing dynamism and fighting spirit to succeed but can also make you obstinate and short-tempered at times.

Because you possess a powerfully passionate nature, you can tend to overreact or unleash anger in ways you regret later. However, as far as you're concerned, feelings need to be released, not bottled up.

You believe that, if you're going to express yourself, then it's essential to do so passionately and in ways that leave nobody in any doubt about what you think or feel. Your emotional flair and dramatic displays can be released constructively, and in ways others find extremely sensual or downright sexy!

Off-the Scale Sexiness Factor

Venus Sextiles Mars

Your beautiful appearance and alluring nature are genuine. There's nothing superficial about your elegance or charm. You possess a strong zest for life and an equally strong desire to experience everything intensely.

With you, little is done or experienced in 'half measures.' Your intensity is probably aimed most at your love life. Your harmonious and peaceful disposition helps you to attract non-aggressive people. However, where love partners are concerned, they too must be sexy and able to satisfy your strongly sensual desires!

Dial-Back Over-Defensiveness

Mars Squares Moon

Your passions tend to simmer before being released which can be exciting if done positively. However, if suppressed emotions manifest as anger, then care is constantly required to avoid being hurtful. There is often an element of danger attached to taking risks or acting impulsively, and self-restraint is needed in every area of your life.

The key to managing pent-up frustrations lies with releasing them in healthy, constructive and safe ways. You might also need to accept that you can annoy or upset others at times and mustn't be overly defensive or mean when they make this clear or share feelings with you.

Courage is needed to face what makes you feel threatened. If you react aggressively, then you're wise to accept others will as well.

Perfect Blend of Passion & Affection

Mars Sextiles Venus

You possess a perfect blend of sexual passion and affection make explains why you look and feel so sexy. You're confident and assertive with pursuing your desires without being overbearing.

This balance makes it easy for you to give and receive love and adoration and attract partners who match your sensual and sexy qualities. There's nothing superficial about your elegance or charm. You possess a strong zest for life and an equally strong desire to experience everything intensely, and the connections you form in all areas of your world are often based on intense mutual attraction, an understanding of mutual needs and plenty of chemistry!

Balancing Caution and Bravado

Mars Squares Jupiter

Your list of impressive qualities is a long one. Courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength and sex appeal must keep you constantly busy. Actually, keeping busy is essential because if you allow your high energy and passion levels to build up internally, then, without a creative or physical outlet, they can go from being delightful to downright nasty.

That's why expressing your abundant energy and enthusiasm must be done regularly and healthily. Top of your list of Things Not to Do are acting or deciding impulsively or taking potentially dangerous risks. However, a balance between caution and bravado can be found. Although the world needs more people like you to stand up for others and take risks everyone else is afraid to consider, you need to protect yourself from harm by being less obliging to impulsive urges.

Releasing Negative Energy

Mars Squares Saturn

Your desires and goals are powerful and vivid to you, but you might experience challenges when it comes to expressing and attaining both. This might be due to experiencing harsh criticism or an overly-strict upbringing when you were younger, perhaps from your father or an authority figure.

This might have led to difficulty in overcoming inhibition, shyness, or feelings of inadequacy. A lifelong need exists to release such negative energy which will always result in greater self-confidence, wisdom gained through experience and a strong work ethic. Patience, perseverance, and empathy can be your strong points and facilitate healthy self-esteem, long-lasting relationships, impressed achievements - and much-deserved recognition!

Confidence is Key

'Close One'

Mars Squares Midheaven

You could believe that investing any effort toward cherished plans or ambitions is better than investing none. However, your fervent and, at times, sporadic approach can mean you focus attention on too many pursuits, plans or projects and spread yourself too thinly as a result.

You want to see results instantly and prefer to create strategies as you go along rather than work to thought-through plans. This also applies to others' ideas and suggestions. You probably see their input as more distracting than helpful or believe they possess a hidden agenda that involves watching you fail.

You might also be disinclined to be advised or instructed by authority figures, perhaps due to a belief that nobody has the right to tell anyone what to do. Fortunately, when your confidence is high, you're more receptive to listening to and working with others and can claim shared responsibility of impressive achievements. If you keep your confidence levels high, then everyone wins!

Expressing Abundant Energy

Jupiter Squares Mars

You possess an abundance of courage, energy, enthusiasm, strength and sex appeal but each needs an outlet constantly. If you allow each to build up without a creative or physical means of release, then they'll release themselves in ways you might struggle to control.

That's why it's essential that you express your abundant energy and enthusiasm regularly but healthily and constructively, without acting or making decisions impulsively or taking potentially dangerous risks.

However, it shouldn't prove difficult to find a balance between bravado and cautiousness. Although you undoubtedly gain admiration for standing up for others and take risks most other people would avoid taking, your impulsive urges and willingness to throw caution to the wind need to be kept in check.

Releasing Negative Energy

Saturn Squares Mars

Despite how powerfully vivid your desires and goals are, you likely experience challenges when expressing or attaining both. Receiving harsh criticism or an overly-strict upbringing when you were younger might have influenced – and continue to affect - your belief in your abilities, and present difficulty with overcoming inhibition, shyness, or occasional feelings of inadequacy.

This pushes you to release negative energy to boost your self-confidence and strong work ethic. Patience, perseverance, and empathy are a few of your many, strong assets and when applied courageously, facilitates healthy self-esteem, long-lasting relationships, impressive achievements - and plenty of well-deserved recognition!

Your Mysterious and Compassionate Qualities Revealed

Imagination, dreams, subconscious and extra sensory perceptions.

Adventure Equals Learning

Neptune in Sagittarius

You're on a personal, lifelong quest to learn and absorb as much information as possible – but will likely focus your learning efforts on gaining an understanding of life on a deep level.

You have a natural fascination with all that can't be explained rationally. This could cause you to gravitate toward unusual phenomena, religion, the occult or philosophy. You could also adopt rigid stances where beliefs and opinions are concerned, convincing yourself that your opinions, through having been formed with considerable effort, must, therefore, be more valid than someone else's.

You will give your 'all' to any interest that fascinates you but might need to guard against an interest becoming a fixation or obsession through being fueled by fantasy or unrealistic expectations. Balance will also likely need to be found between making a realistic and fair judgment of people and situations and allowing emotions to override this.

You're unconcerned with risk-taking, believing 'risk equals adventure' and that adventure forms an integral part of any learning process. This could, in turn, cause you to take unnecessary risks. Therefore, effort needs to be made to be more practical or realistic where the sensible and practical achievement of dreams and goals are concerned.


Balancing Keenness with Obsessiveness

Neptune in the 5th House

Your keenness and ability to 'live in the moment' can cause you to become 'lost in the moment.' What makes absolute sense to you and fires your imagination could be something others see as illogical.
Fleeting or shallow interests don't interest you. As far as you're concerned, if something captures your imagination, then it deserves to be pursued with as much passion as you can muster.
This applies particularly to two areas of your world. The first relates to creative talents, and your mission could involve balancing a keen interest with addictive or obsessive passion. The second relates to affairs of the heart. By not showing caution or restraint, you can pursue crushes, dates, or flings that don't offer potential you believe you saw initially.

Your Neptune Aspects

Collaborative Dream

'Close One'

Neptune Sextiles Pluto

You have a 'pioneering spirit' and are unafraid to challenge 'norms' or generally accepted ways of thinking. You're able to spot ways to improve or update what everyone else is so willing to accept. However, before you can rebuild a belief or entire belief system, you must first destroy what has become so widely accepted.

This is something you excel at doing. You're capable of deconstructing any aspect of life, a system, a belief or procedure and present a new truth that is far worthier of considering. You might be seen by others to be obsessive or compulsive, but your higher thought processes require you to create order from chaos and simplicity from complexity.

Ultimately, you probably have one main aim in life: to bring people closer together, not necessarily physically but spiritually. Your dream of everyone collaborating for the greater good is not far-fetched, either.

Harnessing your Pioneering Spirit

'Close One'

Pluto Sextiles Neptune

You have a 'pioneering spirit' encourages you to be unafraid about challenging 'norms' or generally accepted ways of thinking. You're able to spot ways to improve or update what everyone else is so willing to be conservative toward.

However, before you can rebuild a belief or entire belief system, you must first transform attitudes that are so widely accepted. This is something you excel at doing. You're capable of deconstructing any aspect of life, a system, a belief or procedure and present a new truth far worthier of considering.

You might be seen to be obsessive or compulsive, but your higher thought processes require you to create order from chaos and simplicity from complexity. Ultimately, you probably have one main aim in life: to bring people closer together, not necessarily physically but spiritually. Your dream of everyone collaborating for the greater good is not far-fetched, either.

Love & Passion Destiny Forecast

Your personal Love & Passion Destiny for twelve months provides unique and detailed insight into long-term astrological influences affecting your most important love and intimate connections. A short-term monthly summary is also provided regarding what you can expect - and prepare for.

You'll notice this document outlines various 'trends' influencing and shaping your Love & Passion Destiny over varying periods of time. 'Longer-term trends' highlight 'behind the scenes' activity and where you'll likely need to accept gradual change.

'Steady or challenging trends' indicate where stability likely exists in your world but also where you need to prepare yourself for a helpful learning curve of some kind. 'Emergent or Disorderly Trends' help you to identify in advance when sudden, unanticipated developments – and often of the delightful kind - might occur.

You might also notice certain aspects involve planets experiencing 'retrograde motion,' an illusion that makes a planet appear to move backward. This offers an excellent opportunity for reflection and often something to be learned from the past that can be applied helpfully to the present and future.

Being able to monitor cosmic support available to you will help you to understand better your attitude toward your Love & Passion Destiny. This can be invaluable in helping you to form - or strengthen – connections in ways you've only dreamed of.

Please note, at the beginning of your Love & Passion Destiny you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your Love & Passion Destiny forecast should only be used as a helpful guide. At all times, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Emerging or Overstating Trends

Jupiter trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

February 21st 2023 onwards to March 3rd 2023

Attack is not the wisest strategy

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mars

We're told all relationships must experience episodes of tension. Like pepper added to a stew, these give the relationships spice they require. But we all know what happens when we add too much spice to a recipe.

There is an intense – possibly even 'over the top' – exchange brewing. In the heat of some moments, some things get said that are both truthful but hurtful. At least try to ensure that whatever point you're trying to make to you-know-who is done with honesty and sensitivity.

April 9th to 18th 2023

Give and you shall receive

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Neptune

There is no such thing as a 'perfect' relationship. Human beings are far too fickle and volatile for perfection to exist in any relationship. That shouldn't stop any of us from striving to improve relationships, and this is best done when our hearts are filled with genuine desire to do so.

You have an excellent opportunity to apply sensitivity, creativity and large doses of imagination to who matters most to you now. Let the warmth being created from within you motivate you to give what you're feeling to others. What you give now, you stand to get returned to you tenfold.

July 7th to 21st 2023

There's sweetness to be had by working up a sweat

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Mars, REPEATED when retrograde from 18th October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 26th October

Action always causes a reaction, and this applies where affairs of the heart are concerned. Relationships require attention and effort, we know that, and some lovely, heart-warming encounters are more than likely if you're willing to invest effort to make them happen. Be imaginative.

Consider fun to be had with outdoor or recreational activities. The more active you or your heart's desire can be together, the closer you look set to become!

July 18th 2023 onwards to August 5th 2023

Just be yourself

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Venus, REPEATED when retrograde from 3rd to 21st October 2023. Exact 13th October

Throughout our lives, there are times when we become aware of others suddenly becoming friendlier and nicer to us. Sometimes, we have no idea why this should suddenly happen as we didn't believe we were doing anything different in any way.

What you can expect soon is a noticeable feeling that you're sought after in more than one way. Your bank manager is likely to respond more positively toward you. However, it is in a romantic capacity that you're likely to discover the most pleasing and heart-warming development! Just be yourself now and let a bit of luck take care of the rest.

Stabilizing or Stimulating Trends

Saturn trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

December 19th 2022 onwards to January 9th 2023

Dispelling uncertainty

Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal Neptune

Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character but his immortal line 'when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth' is very relevant to you now.

For some time in an area of your personal world, you've been grappling with a complicated situation or arrangement. It has been much easier to focus on the complexity surrounding it than it has been to give the necessary attention to a solution.

Expect evidence soon if you do not see it already of how this confusing scenario is becoming clearer. This has as much to do with the passage of time as it does your ability to finally make sense of what has been so uncertain.

The discovery you're about to make or revelation you're about to experience has huge implications for the future. With clarity replacing uncertainty, you'll be embarking upon a new journey and with stronger and permanent foundations in place.

Awareness or Tedious Trends

Neptune trends from 8th November 2022 to 7th November 2023

October 12th 2022 onwards to January 21st 2023


Rediscovering yourself

Transiting Neptune Retrograde Squares your natal Neptune

When others see you smile, are they seeing the reality of your situation or something you're doing to simply placate them? It appears you are likely aware of how others are depending on you to be logical and sensible, yet you suspect you must act as if you're in full control even though everything, in your mind, secretly seems to be falling apart. Pressure is mounting in more than one way, and urgency seems to be escalating.

How you interact peacefully and sensitively with someone else or certain others in your world depends on how willing you are to dwell less on your fears and focus more on your hopes. You have a fantastic opportunity to assess, layer upon layer, certain beliefs that have been engrained within you, perhaps since childhood and rediscover who you are as a person. But you are learning more about what and whom you truly want and need – and why! With that, will come an understanding of how wonderful your life - and relationships with those within it - can and deserve to be.

Forecast from 8th November

Thursday 10th November

Personal popularity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 10th to 12th November 2022. Exact 11th November

Few people need convincing of how attractive confident people often are. People who exude confidence can have an almost Pied Piper effect on others, or they at least turn a head or two from those who are inquisitive.

You're in a superb position now to create your own 'self-image'; how you're seen in the eyes of those who know you and who, through a noticeable sense of ease and self-worth, want to know you. You don't need to go to great lengths to impress anyone.

You need only be yourself now to meet new and interesting people – and probably won't have to look very hard to identify those whose interests are of the romantic variety!

Friday 11th November

The importance of choosing wisely

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 11th to 13th November 2022. Exact 12th November

The phrase 'falling in love' is a curious one. The word 'falling' implies we have little control over what we're experiencing and have no other option than invest huge amounts of faith in the fact that we'll be safe. Interestingly, we're often told to be careful about what we 'fall' for, meaning there is a risk that we could end up being deceived or duped.

In your personal world now, it's important to be careful about what – or whom – you're potentially 'falling' – or wishing - for. This isn't due to a possibility that you won't get what you want. It has much more to do with you likely attaining what or who you want only to discover that you should have been seeking something or someone else. In deciding, you needn't be specific.

Neither do you need to make grand or far-reaching plans for the future. You do, however, need to be discriminating and should you choose to pursue a particular plan or dream, be certain it feels right from the outset. An incorrect choice could result in a situation that might take you a long time to free yourself from.

Wednesday 16th November


Honesty is the best policy for all concerned

Transiting Mars Retrograde Opposes your natal Neptune from 16th to 23rd November 2022. Exact 20th November

Years ago, many television sitcoms were always based on a 'misunderstanding.' If there's one thing drama, tension, confusion, and turmoil love, it's misunderstanding, particularly due to one person not being completely honest with themselves.

Right now, there is a chance that person could be you. It's important you don't feel obliged to provide all the answers where someone's demands to do so are concerned. If there's something you don't know, then there's no shame in saying so.

Deception and potential for misunderstandings are high now. Don't make things potentially worse by choosing to overlook the need to be honest with yourself and you-know-who!

Friday 18th November

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 18th to 20th November 2022. Exact 19th November

Like, we know, attracts like. Positive people tend to be drawn toward other positive people. Might positivity you're experiencing now be playing a part in attracting others toward you – or vice versa? The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding now cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated.

But, it's all well and good that you're being seen as such an attractive option but what do you intend to do with the influence now available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

You're blessed now with an enviable opportunity to use powers of attraction available to you, and no reason exists why you can't attain something very special, very soon.

Also on Friday

There's nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 18th to 21st November 2022. Exact 20th November

Sometimes, we experience things called 'Eureka Moments.' We can feel relieved or amazed when we make a vital discovery or something that has been problematic finally 'clicks' into place.

In your personal world now, such a discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious and effective.

Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself now.

Also on Friday


Collaborative Energy

Mars Retrograde transits your natal 11th house from 18th November 2022 to 10th March 2023

Your focus could shift strongly to the pursuit of cherished ambitions with a little help you're your friends or possibly through networking. You might be in good company and the energy you bring to anything requiring collaboration or teamwork can be inspiring. However, keep a close watch on how your strategies or ideas could be conveyed unintentionally aggressively or assertively. Affairs of the heart could be put on a back burner while you form new connections or possibly revive old ones that can be integral to turning one special vision into something real.

Also on Friday


Equal terms

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 18th to 25th November 2022. Exact 22nd November

Are you feeling a need to prove yourself in some way? Or, in what way is someone expecting you to justify your position? There is a need for a crucial conversation or some level of debate or discussion to happen. There's a deal to be done and an agreement to be reached.

For you to truly benefit from this, you need to lose any belief that you are beholden, subservient or inferior to a certain person. Enter this discussion believing you have something valuable to say and offer.

If you can remain positive and sensitive, then a balance can be created between you and someone else where you have, for some time, believed an imbalance existed.

Saturday 19th November

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Also on Saturday

Look closely to see what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 19th to 21st November 2022. Exact 20th November

Imagine how dull life would be if we didn't have to do various things we didn't want to do. Where would the thrill of overcoming a challenge be? Where would we draw inspiration to seek new and exciting challenges that await us?

We can postpone some tasks or obligations that don't exactly excite or inspire us but regardless of what bores or daunts us; we can either endure discomfort surrounding what we have to do or find a way to see it as exciting - or even learn to love - whatever it is we dislike. In your personal world now, you might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it.

If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

Thursday 24th November

Call off the quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 24th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

We know nobody's perfect. We also know nothing in life is perfect, either. Even that which appears perfect has imperfections if we're prepared to find them. But why would we want to find that which isn't perfect within something that appears perfect? With that in mind, what levels of perfection are you expecting within your personal world now? Of course, your relationships with certain others will never be perfect.

That's what makes them so fascinating and intriguing. Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be but the drama you sense looming on the horizon is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important or threatening as it appears, either.

All you need to do now to bring about a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or focusing too intently on finding perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

Also on Thursday

The secret to happiness isn't so elusive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? In some ways, we do, but when we become too rigid to something that should be spontaneous, we lose the potential for happiness as well as some of the magic needed to create it.

In your personal world now, you have much support available to you to attain what so many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness!

You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes, but it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way. That, in turn, will relieve pressure in a relationship where you've long wanted to experience it.

Also on Thursday

Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

Many people believe attack to be the best strategy to adopt when defending themselves. With some people, we can see their barriers appearing like rolling metallic doors, and when these become evident, they often encourage or prolong further confrontation.

You, however, are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort with this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly.

Your personal world can definitely be affected and influenced positively through a love of beauty and desire for peace and, through being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring about a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

Forecast for December 2022

Thursday 1st December

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Friday 2nd December

No second-rate substitutes here

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 2nd to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

If we're shopping and an item we want is unavailable, we tend not to be as receptive to accepting a substitute. If our heart is set on attaining a particular item, then it doesn't matter how it looks or if it serves a similar purpose, we know what we like and like what we know.

In other areas of our world, we can sometimes be a bit too quick to accept that which is a poor substitute or 'second-rate' option. In your relationship world now, you are being presented with a wonderful opportunity. You, however, could be inclined to see it as a poor alternative to what you believe your heart truly desires.

You could be inclined to shrug your shoulders and tell yourself that 'this is as good as it's likely to get' and you'd best make do with what you have available. Push aside all logic and reason. Listen to your heart and what your intuition is telling you. Then, you will soon be able to see how right what you're being offered now really is.

Sunday 4th December


Creating Comfort

Venus transits your natal 6th house from 4th to 29th December 2022

This could be a time when connecting with others takes on a new and deeper meaning. The idea of being of 'service' to others or possibly one person, in particular, could become more appealing, and you might be keen to ensure friendships or romantic connections tick along predictably because of the comfort that predictability offers. Your interest in exploring new culinary delights could take you to previously unexplored restaurants. Your desire for intellectual stimulation could increase. This could also be a time when you take a keener interest in health-related matters. You can be integral to ensuring the worlds of others, especially those closest to you, are as comfortable as possible and will probably take enormous pride in doing so.

Monday 12th December


Establishing boundaries

Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Venus from 12th to 18th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Animals, as we know, can be very territorial. Humans often behave similarly. With that in mind, where do you stand with a certain person and where do they stand with you? There is a need to define - or perhaps redefine - 'territory.'

In other words, an agreement is needed regarding what is acceptable, unacceptable and possibly open to negotiation. Make no mistake; love is in the air. However, maybe you would prefer that the current opportunity to embark upon a romantic or intimate relationship was focused creatively or socially.

In any case, guidelines and boundaries exist there, too. Provided you and at least one other person can establish these, for the time being, then delightful and positive progress can be made.

Also on Monday

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 12th to 14th December 2022. Exact 13th December

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Tuesday 13th December

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 15th December

We hear people say that they or others 'don't know their own strength.' Throughout history and in popular culture, there have been many characters who possessed superhuman strength and, despite being able to make spectacular things happen, often found themselves wishing they were a bit more delicate or sensitive.

In your personal world now, you are being blessed with an impressive ability to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and generally lucky, is putting you in a very strong position. Be careful.

Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

Also on Tuesday

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

In what way - or ways - might you be feeling trapped or restricted now? Life always provides rules and restrictions, and we understandably opt to reject many in principle yet, in practice, we know we must adhere to or obey them. Sometimes though, it becomes necessary to push a boundary or restriction, and in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed a particular expectation. It's not necessarily a case of focusing on what's missing in your relationship world but looking closely at what you do have available to you and how, through effort, imagination and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve significantly what you do have.

It's time to accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure from any equation surrounding getting it or them. Be brave and willing to push your luck.

Thursday 15th December


Singing from the same hymn sheet

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Sun from 15th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 19th December

Does someone share your ambitions? They might not want the same as you do from life but that shouldn't make them unsupportive of your aims. Would it be more helpful though if they did want what you want?

Perhaps, but rarely do two people want precisely the same thing. Although this is precisely the message you now receive.

As keen as you might be to have a very open and honest conversation with a certain person to ensure you're both in agreement about what you truly want, you might need to make an allowance for the fact that you-know-who doesn't share, on the same level, your needs or ambitions.

This isn't a bad or negative thing. All you need to do is focus on what common ground does exist, and something exciting and worthwhile can be built or strengthened.

Also on Thursday


Commanding respect

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 18th December

If we want respect, we must command it. We need to be seen in the eyes of others as deserving of respect. You have an excellent opportunity now to gain respect in the eyes of certain others – or a certain person – but are likely to have to invest some effort to prove your worthiness of it.

This needn't require considerable effort on your part. An opportunity exists for you to take the lead in some way and through making clear what you need and why you need it, you could find more than one person responds positively - and will respect you for doing so!

Saturday 17th December

Change of the exciting variety

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 17th to 19th December 2022. Exact 18th December

Satisfaction is a state of mind. We are only ever briefly satisfied with any situation in our world because need always exists for us to want more or to sustain in some way the level of satisfaction we're feeling. That doesn't make us ungrateful or selfish. No situation is stagnant or without a change in some way. In your personal world now, there is a challenge you must rise to.

This will require as much energy and attention that you can give to it. There is a change you must bring about, and once you embark upon the task of making it happen, a process will move quite quickly. Imagine yourself seated in a rollercoaster that has begun moving.

Once the process has begun, you have no option other than to see it through. Despite any fear or reservations you might have about what you must do now, you are likely to find the experience more thrilling than daunting. Do what needs doing, take action where it's needed and be receptive to the fact that you could actually end up enjoying the ride.

Sunday 18th December

Take notice of what's begging to be noticed

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 18th to 21st December 2022. Exact 20th December

Would you like to experience a breakthrough? Does the thought of being presented with a chance to instigate a new and very different plan in your personal world hold any appeal? As much as you might be inclined to answer 'yes' to both questions, you could (understandably) have reservations about what will change or if a breakthrough or chance to bring about a much-needed change will bring what you truly desire.

You're in an exceptional position now to experience both. For this to happen, you need only heed the idea that is begging you to take notice of it. If you are willing to see how much potential is on offer from seizing an opportunity now, then something truly heart-warming can make its way to you.

Also on Sunday

Don't sell yourself short

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 18th to 20th December 2022. Exact 19th December

Relationships are two-way things. We know what we expect from another person, and they usually have a clear idea what they ideally want from us. Given that we know this two-way process must exist, we still struggle to meet others' expectations or their demands.

If, in your personal or relationship world now, you're trying to seek love or approval, then be aware of lengths you ought to go to attain either. You could be at risk of investing more effort than is required and altering unnecessarily how you're seen in the eyes of others.

Don't sell yourself short in the belief that onus is entirely on you to take the initiative where the process should be two-fold.

Sunday 25th December

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 25th to 28th December 2022. Exact 27th December

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Tuesday 27th December

Getting yourself out there

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 27th to 30th December 2022. Exact 29th December

We live in a world governed nowadays by social media. Does communicating electronically make us sociable? Surely, there's more to be said about good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation yet technology today facilitates that in some ways.

You don't need to rely on communicating with phones, laptops or tablets to gain admiration from those who know you – or want to know you! You are in a superb position to increase your network of contacts in some way, and you probably won't have to look too hard to identify those who have a keen interest in a romantic sense.

Get yourself out there. Be willing to meet new people. The greatest romantic opportunities will come from interacting with others and the more it can be done on a face-to-face basis, the greater your chances are.

Thursday 29th December


Love Magnet

Venus transits your natal 7th house from 29th December 2022 to 16th January 2023

Where your relationships are concerned, this could be a time when you discover that you're the recipient of what you give. In other words, if you find that you're on the receiving end of warmth, affection, and generosity, then it's probably because you're a magnet for each through emitting such qualities yourself. However, you might be unaware that you're doing so! Encouraging deeper levels of love and harmony in your closest relationships could be increasingly important at this time and inviting more into your world is easy. Just keep sending out the vibe you're sending and see what comes back to you!

Also on Thursday

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 29th to 31st December 2022. Exact 30th December

Some peoples' sweet smiles often conceal hidden agendas. We can't always tell who is supportive of us and who has plans to scupper our plans. In your relationship world now, there is strong likelihood that someone has an unconscious agenda of doubt or mistrust.

The good news is, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Little effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late.

You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position through information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy, but you will be grateful for the fact that you will soon be in a much stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Forecast for January 2023

Thursday 5th January

Distancing yourself

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mercury from 5th to 8th January 2023. Exact 7th January

Are you able to feel the tug being made in your heart? It appears someone or something wants all you're able to give plus a little more besides. You're also likely very aware of how finite what you're able to supply actually is, and that's why the challenge facing you in your personal world surrounds defining, explaining and sticking to the limit that exists.

You can do this without fear or shame. You can also achieve this through backing away from situations you know you don't need to involve yourself with. Sidestep any debate, discussion or disagreement that you can afford to remove yourself from.

Distancing yourself will ensure that no accusation can be made your direction about being manipulative or trying to engineer situations to your advantage. Relax, and you will soon see how whatever is concerning you now will sort itself out in a way that truly pleases and heartens you.

Also on Thursday

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 5th to 7th January 2023. Exact 6th January

Some people will always believe that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Right now, in your personal world, your greatest asset is not strength but softness. It is this quality that needs nurturing within you now. It is important that you dip deeply into your reserves of compassion, tolerance, patience, and support.

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would.

It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' and if there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond toward you with whatever you're offering them.

Friday 6th January

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 6th to 8th January 2023. Exact 8th January

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Also on Friday

Leave serendipity out of it

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 6th to 8th January 2023. Exact 7th January

Can you afford to be fussy now? Of course, you can. Not only can you afford to be fussy, but it would also be in your best interests to be so. Dare you take a risk though? Ah, that begs a more important question but what matters now is how you view the risk you're taking. Think of it as 'improvising' rather than undertaking a daunting act.

In your personal world now, you have a very particular and specific goal in mind. There is undoubtedly something you yearn to see happen. You're aware that, to achieve this, you're going to have to take a chance in some way. You know that making something wonderful happen between you and someone else will require you to be selective and structured in your approach.

A heart-warming development is on offer provided you ensure the right kind of disciplined preparations are in place first. Take a brave step forward in the knowledge that you're not leaving a result to happen entirely by chance.

Tuesday 10th January

Keeping desperation at bay

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Sun from 10th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

Desperate people tend to do desperate things. Why, if a solution is being provided to a problem, do we discover things get worse before they get better? Perhaps, this has much to do with an inappropriate or unhelpful solution being applied to a problem that only ends up shifting a problem elsewhere instead of resolving it not being much of a solution at all.

In your personal world, you are likely feeling a strong urge to do something very indulgent. You are so focused on what or whom you want that you're inclined to go about attaining it or them in any way possible, regardless of how ridiculous some options might be. It's time to stop working so hard to attain happiness.

It's time to appreciate what you have and what you do have available to you. Your options might be limited, but that's not a bad thing. All you need to do is focus on pursuing the one option that your heart tells you makes the most sense.

Wednesday 11th January

Cooperation is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

Some people always insist on 'getting their way.' They tend to be largely unconcerned about what matters to others. All that does matter, it seems, is that they 'win' in some way. Such people want those they're trying to persuade to simply succumb and do what's demanded of them.

In your personal world now, you are likely adopting a completely contrary point of view in some way. You know that to get what – or whom – you want, you don't have to be heavy-handed. You need encourage peace and harmony, and you'll discover it will prevail over any tension.

To make progress on personal or romantic fronts, be seen to be approachable and willing to compromise where necessary. The key to progress now relies entirely upon cooperation, not obstruction.

Monday 16th January


Drop the Defensive Barrier

Venus transits your natal 8th house from 16th January 2023 to 5th February 2023

This is a time when it's important to accept that the past – and any painful or upsetting episodes connected with previous relationships – is not a guide for the future. Of course, any love life lessons, regardless of how painful they might have been, need to be absorbed and not ignored. However, you probably don't need to go to the lengths you're considering to be loved or adored by others. Don't allow any past events to create an unrealistic view of relationships or one special connection now. To enjoy the most delightfully close, loving and intimate connections now or in the future, you need only do two things. The first involves accepting you deserve them. The second involves dropping a defensive barrier that prevents opportunities to enjoy them from presenting themselves.

Wednesday 18th January

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 18th to 21st January 2023. Exact 20th January

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Thursday 19th January

Trust your hunches

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 19th to 21st January 2023. Exact 20th January

Sometimes, we're our own worst enemies when it comes to being 'talked out' of doing something. We tend to ignore our intuition because we know what it's telling us is right and we struggle with hearing the truth at times. In your personal world now, a certain truth is emerging.

There is something you are feeling, about a person or situation that you cannot ignore. What you want, before taking any action are facts. You would prefer your decisions were based on logic rather than hunches.

It is important though, to trust what you're feeling. Acknowledge and respect what your hunches are telling you. When the truth does emerge, you will be able to say with confidence and honesty that you knew it already.

Sunday 22nd January

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 22nd to 24th January 2023. Exact 23rd January

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

January 28th 2023 onwards to March 26th 2023

Essential Empathy

Transiting Neptune Trines your natal Ascendant

From a young age, we discover how much easier it is to overcome stubbornness with certain people by showing empathy toward them. There is a fine line between doing so and being seen as condescending. However, as many experienced salespeople know, to 'win' someone over, we need only be seen to be understanding of their objection and working with them to find a solution.
In your personal world, need exists to do precisely that. If you genuinely want to make progress with certain people - or a particular person - then sensitivity and compassion need to be applied. Try to be understanding of someone's situation and seen to be willing to provide a solution. The more imagination you're willing to apply to the latter, the more likely it is they'll take on board what you're proposing.

Forecast for February 2023

Friday 3rd February

Embrace long-awaited change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 3rd to 5th February 2023. Exact 4th February

It's not often we have to pinch ourselves to believe something is happening to us. It's great when we find ourselves so amazed at what has transpired that we have to do something to confirm we're not dreaming.

You could be tempted to do something similar now as a development appears to be unfolding that you've wanted to see happen for a long time. A new phase of your life is about to begin, and you have an exceptional opportunity to 'break new ground' where your personal world is concerned.

Where certain relationships are concerned, there are rules that can be rewritten and horizons expanded. All that is required from you is confidence mixed with a tiny amount of courage. Be brave and accepting of the long-awaited change unfolding now. Above all, believe it is yours for the taking.

Also on Friday

Singing from the same hymn sheet

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 3rd to 11th February 2023. Exact 7th February

Does someone share your ambitions? They might not want the same as you do from life but that shouldn't make them unsupportive of your aims. Would it be more helpful though if they did want what you want?

Perhaps, but rarely do two people want precisely the same thing. Although this is precisely the message you now receive.

As keen as you might be to have a very open and honest conversation with a certain person to ensure you're both in agreement about what you truly want, you might need to make an allowance for the fact that you-know-who doesn't share, on the same level, your needs or ambitions.

This isn't a bad or negative thing. All you need to do is focus on what common ground does exist, and something exciting and worthwhile can be built or strengthened.

Saturday 4th February

Improving what's currently undesirable

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 4th to 7th February 2023. Exact 6th February

Where do you 'draw the line'? How do you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation? Inviting those closest to you to offer advice isn't the best idea because they – or possibly one person in particular – could be the cause of your displeasure. You appear to be tolerating something unacceptable, and this probably has much to do with a perceived need to placate someone else in some way.

When we reach the end of our proverbial tether, then that's clear indication of when 'enough is enough.' It's easy to look at your current situation in the belief that having 'something' is better than 'nothing' yet you could be overlooking how easily 'something' could become 'something more.'

The challenge in your personal world now involves turning a fault into something adequate or sufficient. You needn't try to work a miracle. Approach what needs 'fixing' positively and constructively, and you will improve a less than desirable situation.

Also on Saturday

Commanding respect

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 4th to 11th February 2023. Exact 8th February

If we want respect, we must command it. We need to be seen in the eyes of others as deserving of respect. You have an excellent opportunity now to gain respect in the eyes of certain others – or a certain person – but are likely to have to invest some effort to prove your worthiness of it.

This needn't require considerable effort on your part. An opportunity exists for you to take the lead in some way and through making clear what you need and why you need it, you could find more than one person responds positively - and will respect you for doing so!

Sunday 5th February


Love Attracts Love

Venus transits your natal 9th house from 5th February 2023 to 2nd March 2023

It's important that you accept how attractive and elegant you are when you feel free or unrestricted by life's shackles. Your altruistic qualities could be enhanced now, and you might have a lovely vision of how you wish everyone would be kind, considerate and loving to each other. You're keen to be all the above to everyone now, and even if others believe you're deluded, you'll stand by your beliefs. You're right to have faith in the undisputed fact that 'like attracts like.' Embarking upon - or strengthening - a relationship with someone who shares your positive, kind and adventurous outlook could be remarkably easier at this time. All you need to attract more love into your world is to offer it, unconditionally.

Tuesday 7th February

Establishing boundaries

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Venus from 7th to 14th February 2023. Exact 11th February

Animals, as we know, can be very territorial. Humans often behave similarly. With that in mind, where do you stand with a certain person and where do they stand with you? There is a need to define - or perhaps redefine - 'territory.'

In other words, an agreement is needed regarding what is acceptable, unacceptable and possibly open to negotiation. Make no mistake; love is in the air. However, maybe you would prefer that the current opportunity to embark upon a romantic or intimate relationship was focused creatively or socially.

In any case, guidelines and boundaries exist there, too. Provided you and at least one other person can establish these, for the time being, then delightful and positive progress can be made.

Sunday 12th February

Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 12th to 14th February 2023. Exact 13th February

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Tuesday 14th February

Personal popularity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 14th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Few people need convincing of how attractive confident people often are. People who exude confidence can have an almost Pied Piper effect on others, or they at least turn a head or two from those who are inquisitive.

You're in a superb position now to create your own 'self-image'; how you're seen in the eyes of those who know you and who, through a noticeable sense of ease and self-worth, want to know you. You don't need to go to great lengths to impress anyone.

You need only be yourself now to meet new and interesting people – and probably won't have to look very hard to identify those whose interests are of the romantic variety!

Wednesday 15th February

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th February 2023. Exact 16th February

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Wednesday 22nd February

Remove your barriers

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Moon from 22nd to 24th February 2023. Exact 23rd February

Many songs have been written by people who felt compelled to share with us the intense feeling of being in love. Such people found their capacity to care was seemingly limitless. They discovered as well through experiencing the joy of love that their ability to show compassion, patience, tolerance, and kindness became inexhaustible.

They willingly removed barriers that kept all such feelings at bay. With that in mind, how are you doing with your barriers? You're probably aware of how your emotions are being softened but could be equally aware of reasons you believe you have to be fearful of exposing yourself emotionally.

There's a question you want an answer to now. To receive an answer, you're going to have to make yourself a tiny bit vulnerable but will soon discover that the act of doing so will be enormously helpful and pivotal.

Thursday 23th February

A sprinkle of realism

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 23rd to 26th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Throughout our lives, we're encouraged by certain others not to get 'too carried away.' Such advice is often given by well-meaning folk who seem to think we are at risk of disappointment or being foolish. We learn from experience that if we set our sights slightly higher than what we want, we invariably end up getting what we want.

In your relationship world, balance is needed between overconfidence and realism. You are being given reason to be confident and optimistic. That's fine, provided you have both feet on the ground where certain aspirations are concerned.

Look closely at what you want to make happen and then apply a sprinkle of realism regarding realistic timescales. Provided what you want is right and appropriate, then it will come to you. Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined.

Also on Thursday

There's nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 23rd to 25th February 2023. Exact 24th February

Sometimes, we experience things called 'Eureka Moments.' We can feel relieved or amazed when we make a vital discovery or something that has been problematic finally 'clicks' into place.

In your personal world now, such a discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious and effective.

Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself now.

Also on Thursday

Your heart won't fail you

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 23rd to 25th February 2023. Exact 24th February

We allow ourselves to be ruled by our heads. We also allow our hearts to have a say in what we ought to be doing or considering. Perhaps, that's why your head and various ideas you're generating are pulling you in one direction, and your feelings are pulling you in another.

You could be inclined now to support one and abandon the other. What ideally needs to happen is both your head and your heart working together, and the best way to achieve this is to decide what in your personal or relationship world is essential and what's merely little more than preferable. How can you tell which is which? That's easy.

Trust what you feel. Allow your instincts to guide you. Avoid the tendency to 'think' as much as you believe you must about a particular arrangement or situation and invest more faith in what you 'feel.' Your heart can have stronger influence if you'll allow it to and, if given a chance, won't fail you.

Monday 27th February

A reward for being brave and sincere

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 27th February 2023 to 2nd March 2023. Exact 1st March

In your personal world, there is a problem you sorely want to resolve but could be struggling to settle. You're being asked to 'accept the impossible.' You want to give in to an indulgence of some sort yet are very aware of how common sense is dictating that you would be foolish to make any hasty or risky move.

Remember that we live in a world that rewards the brave and the sincere far more than it takes care of the cautious and unimaginative. It is time to take a courageous step towards achieving a dream.

It is time to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious and, above all else, confident. If you can manage all of the above, then various natural processes now unfolding will restore your faith and spur you on to make something wonderful, heart-warming and long lasting happen.

Tuesday 28th February

Enhancing your and others' worlds

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 28th February 2023 to 2nd March 2023. Exact 1st March

Like, we know, attracts like. How 'liked' are you feeling now? If you doubt how you're perceived by certain people, then have absolute faith in the fact that you can attract numerous people into your world now on several levels by simply being yourself.

Avoid any tendency to attempt to try to live up to anyone else's expectations of what you could or should be. Even if you believe you possess no creative or artistic talents, at least be willing to be led by your imagination. You hold strong influence.

Use it to enhance your and others' worlds through levels of beauty and peace you convey effortlessly. Be yourself and allow romantic opportunities to come to you. That way, you won't have to seek them.

Also on Tuesday

The secret to happiness isn't so elusive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 28th February 2023 to 2nd March 2023. Exact 1st March

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? In some ways, we do, but when we become too rigid to something that should be spontaneous, we lose the potential for happiness as well as some of the magic needed to create it.

In your personal world now, you have much support available to you to attain what so many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness!

You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes, but it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way. That, in turn, will relieve pressure in a relationship where you've long wanted to experience it.

Forecast for March 2023

Thursday 2nd March


Recognition and Admiration

Venus transits your natal 10th house from 2nd to 31st March 2023

Are you aware of the mesmeric, captivating vibe you possess now? It's not only your outward appearance that makes you so magnetic. It's the way you possess tact, appreciation and a finely-tuned sensitivity when interacting with others that makes you even more endearing. However, even though others respect your charming manner - and your list of admirers could increase at this time – your vibe is strangely and intriguingly distant. Your need for recognition or admiration could intensify but be careful not to become too concerned about what others think of you. As long as you make full use of the tact and sensitivity you're blessed with now, you needn't be concerned about whether you're seen in the right ways.

Saturday 4th March

Equal terms

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Pluto from 4th to 9th March 2023. Exact 7th March

Are you feeling a need to prove yourself in some way? Or, in what way is someone expecting you to justify your position? There is a need for a crucial conversation or some level of debate or discussion to happen. There's a deal to be done and an agreement to be reached.

For you to truly benefit from this, you need to lose any belief that you are beholden, subservient or inferior to a certain person. Enter this discussion believing you have something valuable to say and offer.

If you can remain positive and sensitive, then a balance can be created between you and someone else where you have, for some time, believed an imbalance existed.

Sunday 5th March

Honesty is the best policy for all concerned

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Neptune from 5th to 10th March 2023. Exact 8th March

Years ago, many television sitcoms were always based on a 'misunderstanding.' If there's one thing drama, tension, confusion, and turmoil love, it's misunderstanding, particularly due to one person not being completely honest with themselves.

Right now, there is a chance that person could be you. It's important you don't feel obliged to provide all the answers where someone's demands to do so are concerned. If there's something you don't know, then there's no shame in saying so.

Deception and potential for misunderstandings are high now. Don't make things potentially worse by choosing to overlook the need to be honest with yourself and you-know-who!

Wednesday 8th March

Let it be

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 8th to 10th March 2023. Exact 9th March

What or who has you so 'fired up'? What or who possesses such fascinating and hypnotic qualities that you're likely struggling to think clearly? What is needed now is clarity. Before that can become available though, effort on your part is needed to extract fact from fiction and reality from fantasy.

That doesn't mean you're wrong to dream or even pursue whatever or whoever it is that has you so captivated or fascinated. But if it isn't becoming increasingly clear that you need to be more motivated and less manipulative, then such clarity will come soon enough. To get what or whom you truly want, you'll have to let go slightly.

Try to care less but believe more that whatever is for you won't pass you by. Trust your deepest instincts now and let a process unfold in its own way and time. Relax and avoid the tendency to control what needs to happen naturally.

Also on Wednesday

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 8th to 11th March 2023. Exact 10th March

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Friday 10th March

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 10th to 12th March 2023. Exact 12th March

Is there some unseen council that dictates who and what is attractive and who and what isn't? We need only look on the cover of glossy magazines to see who or what is deemed attractive and many people make such effort to measure their own attractiveness by what's socially acceptable.

You, however, don't need to measure your attractive levels – and your ability to attract – in such ways. You don't need to succumb to any pressure to meet someone else's criteria of what's attractive. In your personal world now, it's important to accept how attractive you are in the eyes of others.

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have utter faith in how you are attracting very much the right attention through determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

Also on Friday


Likely Apologies

Mars transits your natal 12th house from 10th March 2023 to 10th May 2023

You're motivated by selflessness at this time and can find yourself in an interesting position of achieving what you want by assisting others. Your altruistic efforts are probably made without expecting anything in return. However, personal progress is likely to be made in the background, rather than announcing your plans to the world or putting yourself in a position where your plans are visible or easily monitored. On an emotional level, you could be prone to suppressing any negative or aggressive energy and choose to release it on those closest to you. Although healing in close relationships can come from apologies issued later, the more effort you can make to avoid such unpleasant scenarios, the better.

March 13th 2023 onwards to May 12th 2023

Remove the façade to uncover the dream

Transiting Neptune Trines your natal Uranus

Pinocchio had a failsafe way of letting people know when he was telling untruths. Once this was identified, there was no doubt about whether what he was saying was truthful. It clearly was not. Other people not only enjoy being liberal with truth but begin to believe their untruths over time. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, there is an element of truth in what you're being told.
There is also more than an element of magic in what is happening around you now, but you might need to invest some effort to see through a façade of sorts. If you can do this, then a dream will start to show signs of becoming a reality. You don't need to wish upon stars though. All you need to do is keep a wish alive within your heart and have absolute faith in it becoming yours.

Sunday 19th March

Facing what needs to be faced

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 19th to 22nd March 2023. Exact 21st March

When we feel unable to relax, the last thing we want to hear is someone telling us to relax. After all, we have our reasons for feeling tetchy, nervous or apprehensive and believe that anyone who tries to convince us otherwise clearly is unable to grasp what we believe we understand.

There are, however, limits to how much anyone can worry. In your personal world now, it's important you accept how, through ignoring something that needs to be acknowledged, you're not coming close to creating a solution.

Through denying the existence of a problem, you also deny yourself an opportunity to take constructive action to remedy it. Deal now with what you are trying to ignore. It isn't as daunting as it appears, and life will become sweeter once you have faced what needs facing.

Friday 24th March

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 24th to 26th March 2023. Exact 26th March

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Saturday 25th March

Let the real you emerge

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 25th to 27th March 2023. Exact 26th March

There's a certain person in your world deserving of more respect than you're showing them. There's a particular individual concerned unnecessarily about how they're seen in the eyes of certain others. You know this person very well and, to discover their identity, all you have to do is look in the nearest mirror.

In your personal world, need exists for you to muster a bit more self-respect and dignity than you might be used to mustering. That doesn't mean you have a specific reason to be more self-respectful, but neither does it mean one isn't being created.

If you really want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall and proud, then abandon entirely any concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. Trust what you feel to be right and don't succumb to any pressure from certain others about what you ought to be feeling.

Sunday 26th March

Take notice of what's begging to be noticed

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 26th to 28th March 2023. Exact 27th March

Would you like to experience a breakthrough? Does the thought of being presented with a chance to instigate a new and very different plan in your personal world hold any appeal? As much as you might be inclined to answer 'yes' to both questions, you could (understandably) have reservations about what will change or if a breakthrough or chance to bring about a much-needed change will bring what you truly desire.

You're in an exceptional position now to experience both. For this to happen, you need only heed the idea that is begging you to take notice of it. If you are willing to see how much potential is on offer from seizing an opportunity now, then something truly heart-warming can make its way to you.

Friday 31st March


Hidden Attractive Qualities

Venus transits your natal 11th house from 31st March 2023 to 1st May 2023

Your positive vibe makes you powerfully endearing and might explain why you're drawn toward a leadership role in group or social situations. However, it's important to accept that, regardless of how drawn toward you others might be at this time, you won't please or win over everyone all of the time. You're blessed with copious amounts of charm and kindness now, and such qualities can only make forming or strengthening a special connection considerably easier than it has been recently. Your magnetism stems from knowing not only how to attract people but being able to look beyond someone's obvious, exterior and at their hidden attractive qualities that few others probably see. If you're single, then be aware of how quickly Cupid might work on your behalf. Someone who is a mere acquaintance one day could become a lover the next!

Forecast for April 2023

Saturday 1st April

Count to ten and relax

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Moon from 1st to 6th April 2023. Exact 4th April

It doesn't take much for some people to become very defensive. All they need is the slightest instance or perceived need to defend themselves, and woe betide anyone on the receiving end of their response.

Such feelings tend to be short-lived though and if you're feeling an urge to defend yourself – probably where a certain female is concerned – then look closely at why.

It's possible that your need stems more from emotions running high than any real basis to come across so defensively or assertively. You can protect what it is important to you now without causing a scene.

Monday 3rd April

Yes sir, no sir…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Saturn from 3rd to 7th April 2023. Exact 5th April

Authority figures often have different ideas to the rest of us. What makes perfect sense to them regarding how and why something should be done a certain way sometimes confuses us.

This is often because they assume we have had the same train of thought about rules or procedures as they have and when they discover we haven't, that's when tension or problems arise. Your relationship with a certain person – possibly in a position of authority – needs careful care now.

Limitations are being imposed upon you. The more you can smile, nod and do what's being asked of you, the more you will play a helpful role in dissipating a potentially tense situation.

Tuesday 4th April

Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th April 2023. Exact 6th April

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Also on Tuesday

All it takes is one tiny spark…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 4th to 9th April 2023. Exact 7th April

It takes two to tango. It also takes at least two people to experience confrontation or conflict. You're dealing with a sensitive situation where your relationship with a certain individual is concerned, and it's important you don't underestimate how a single spark can create a conflagration now.

The more you can smile, be supportive and sensitive, the more you can avert a tense and unnecessary confrontation that there is every sign of being potentially overblown.

Thursday 6th April

Looking beyond the present

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th April 2023. Exact 7th April

Are you aware of your heart beating noticeably faster? Are you also aware of what's making you feel restless or causing a bit more tension in your world than you wish there was? In your relationship world now, you appear to be experiencing as much pleasure as you are pain in some way. In some ways, this is good.

In others, it is far from desirable. What needs to be removed now is indecision, uncertainty, and denial. In amongst all of the above is a genuine reason to be happy and feel optimistic. Avoid the tendency now to focus so intently on immediate dramas and be willing to focus on a much bigger picture. This includes the development you yearn to see happen in your emotional world. Keep reaching for it because it is genuinely attainable.

Thursday 13th April

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 13th to 15th April 2023. Exact 15th April

Some people will always believe that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Right now, in your personal world, your greatest asset is not strength but softness. It is this quality that needs nurturing within you now. It is important that you dip deeply into your reserves of compassion, tolerance, patience, and support.

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would.

It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' and if there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond toward you with whatever you're offering them.

Friday 14th April

Leave serendipity out of it

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 14th to 16th April 2023. Exact 15th April

Can you afford to be fussy now? Of course, you can. Not only can you afford to be fussy, but it would also be in your best interests to be so. Dare you take a risk though? Ah, that begs a more important question but what matters now is how you view the risk you're taking. Think of it as 'improvising' rather than undertaking a daunting act.

In your personal world now, you have a very particular and specific goal in mind. There is undoubtedly something you yearn to see happen. You're aware that, to achieve this, you're going to have to take a chance in some way. You know that making something wonderful happen between you and someone else will require you to be selective and structured in your approach.

A heart-warming development is on offer provided you ensure the right kind of disciplined preparations are in place first. Take a brave step forward in the knowledge that you're not leaving a result to happen entirely by chance.

Also on Friday

Holding your horses

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mars from 14th to 18th April 2023. Exact 16th April

Considerable energy and willpower is available to you now, provided you want it. The equivalent of a celestial kick up the backside to take the initiative in ways you may have delayed doing is on offer. Much depends on how you intend to use it and even more depends on whether you believe you need it.

Sometimes, we can come across as a bit heavy handed all of a sudden in the eyes of certain people and should you choose to make use of energy and power available to you, then you might find one or two people are taken aback by your new-found drive and determination.

By all means, make changes or take reins where they need to be taken but remember to be sensitive to the needs of others before doing so.

Also on Friday

A solution in the form of a brainwave

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 14th to 16th April 2023. Exact 15th April

Life ticks along in ways that we get used to and then suddenly, we find ourselves dealing with a development that truly grabs our attention. We wonder where on Earth such a development could have come from, what caused it or how instrumental we were in making it happen.

Something similar happens with brainwaves. We become very used to a situation that we know is crying out for a new and exciting idea. In your personal world now, that's precisely what you can expect. Powerful forces are being unleashed in your life. You're not quite sure how you ought to be acknowledging or adapting to them.

Let the solution that is determined to make its way to you come to you and then embrace it. It is precisely what you need now.

Saturday 15th April

Listening is key

Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 19th April 2023. Exact 18th April

Where a certain person is concerned, is it possible to 'meet in the middle' somehow? This could be a time when you address certain needs of yours - and if someone can satisfy them.

That's fine, provided you're aware of strong likelihood of you being 'put in your place' or told to know your place in the scheme of things and it is this likely scenario that will probably encourage you to want to reach some form of compromise

By taking the initiative and making clear what you need and why you need it, you're giving someone the chance to do the same and provided you're both willing to listen, then a compromise can be reached.

Also on Saturday

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th April 2023. Exact 16th April

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Monday 17th April

Hearts beat faster

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 17th to 21st April 2023. Exact 19th April

On many cakes, it is icing that transforms something that would have otherwise been admittedly tasty but uninspiring. Icing adds essential sweetness, and similarly, an equivalent approach is available to you, conditions are ideal for demonstrating or conveying positive and affectionate feelings.

It is also ideal for physical attraction to play a part in enticing someone new into your world or discovering (or evening rediscovering) qualities about an existing partner you hadn't seen previously or forgotten about.

This is one of the most wonderful 'feel good' periods. Be guided by your heart and appreciate why it might just be beating a little bit faster!

Wednesday 19th April

It's all moving forward

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 19th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 21st April

Depending on where we are on planet Earth, we're constantly spinning at between 700 and 900 miles per hour. If we stand still, we feel nothing. We're oblivious to how the spinning rock which we inhabit is hurtling through space at approximately 67,000 miles per hour.

So, can it not be said that even when we think nothing is happening in our world or situations show no sign of progress, we're part of a complex process that indicates otherwise? In your personal world now, you probably suspect you're standing still. You're not. You are making real and tangible progress.

You probably suspect a certain situation is far from ideal and makes little sense. Actually, it is very ideal and makes a lot of sense. This is a time to look closely at what appears imperfect and discover that there is a real reason to believe you're much closer to the desired scenario than you probably believe.

Also on Wednesday

Cooperation is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 19th to 22nd April 2023. Exact 21st April

Some people always insist on 'getting their way.' They tend to be largely unconcerned about what matters to others. All that does matter, it seems, is that they 'win' in some way. Such people want those they're trying to persuade to simply succumb and do what's demanded of them.

In your personal world now, you are likely adopting a completely contrary point of view in some way. You know that to get what – or whom – you want, you don't have to be heavy-handed. You need encourage peace and harmony, and you'll discover it will prevail over any tension.

To make progress on personal or romantic fronts, be seen to be approachable and willing to compromise where necessary. The key to progress now relies entirely upon cooperation, not obstruction.

Thursday 20th April

Call off the quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 20th to 23rd April 2023. Exact 22nd April

We know nobody's perfect. We also know nothing in life is perfect, either. Even that which appears perfect has imperfections if we're prepared to find them. But why would we want to find that which isn't perfect within something that appears perfect? With that in mind, what levels of perfection are you expecting within your personal world now? Of course, your relationships with certain others will never be perfect.

That's what makes them so fascinating and intriguing. Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be but the drama you sense looming on the horizon is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important or threatening as it appears, either.

All you need to do now to bring about a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or focusing too intently on finding perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

Friday 28th April

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th April 2023. Exact 29th April

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Also on Friday

Balancing practicality with magic

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 28th April 2023 to 1st May 2023. Exact 30th April

Each of us is blessed with imagination and creativity. Both are hindered only by doubt and how we refrain from developing our talents and imaginations for reasons we create ourselves. Sometimes, this happens because we prefer to focus on what appears logical and practical. We believe both to be more sensible and that focusing on both will always provide 'the right answer.'

In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a balance between applying imagination and sensibility to a particular issue. Your head is conveying one message, yet your heart has a different agenda.

It's important to see a situation involving someone else by removing rose-tinted glasses, yet there also needs to be preparedness on your part to spot the magic that exists within a relationship. Be creative, be imaginative but keep both feet on the ground while doing so. That way, you will be able to identify a practical solution that retains all that is special between you and you-know-who.

Forecast for May 2023

Monday 1st May


Intuitive Connection

Venus transits your natal 12th house from 1st to 30th May 2023

This is a time to be aware of and embrace your many powerful, lovable and appealing qualities. Perhaps, you're oblivious to how lovable and appealing you are and might feel unsure at this time how to give and receive love, because of something connected with your past. This might also be a time when you become aware of the line that exists between being loving and smothering. Your attitude toward love and relationships is probably much more intuitive now. You could be finely tuned-in to the needs of others, or one person in particular and your intuition is unlikely to fail you when it comes to knowing how to make anyone you focus your kind and compassionate qualities toward feel loved and comforted.

Wednesday 3rd May

Bring out the objectivity

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 3rd to 7th May 2023. Exact 5th May

People often speak about 'obsession.' Is obsession healthy or unhealthy? Many would argue it is unhealthy, especially when it causes us to cross a line deemed acceptable or appropriate.

That's why you need to stand back in some way now. If you're able to resist the temptation to give your all to someone or something, then you will at least be able to gain some objectivity. That's what's important to you now: your ability to be see a romantic or relationship in an unbiased and realistic way.

Distance yourself from someone or something in the knowledge that, if you can create distance, even briefly, then you are better placed to move forward toward it in the future when it suits you to do so.

Thursday 4th May

Achieving Passionate Potential

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Chiron from 4th to 8th May 2023. Exact 7th May

This is a time when you could become more conscious of the energy you possess for personal transformation and healing in your life – and within your closest relationships. However, you'll need to be prepared to address deep-rooted pain and work through old issues to heal them. Once you start to see the positive effects of this, you could focus your efforts on encouraging and supporting others to do the same. It's also possible that healing energy could arrive in the form of a certain person who enters your world at this time. You might also deal with issues surrounding self-acceptance as well as rejection, and the latter could require you to look deep within yourself for answers and solutions. The experience might be painful briefly, but it's by addressing these that you can embark properly on a journey to achieve your passionate potential.

Monday 8th May

Getting yourself noticed

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 8th to 12th May 2023. Exact 10th May

When you hear the words 'self-improvement', what comes to mind? In what way(s) might you want to improve yourself and, particularly, how others see you? There are a number of ways you can improve yourself, and these don't necessarily mean strenuous workouts in a gym.

It's time to consider how you can improve certain skills or even an environment that might be more conducive to furthering yourself within. If you're willing to try to broaden your horizons, learn something new or instigate change that results in others taking notice of you in some way, then the time to do so is perfect.

Wednesday 10th May

Putting your heads together

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Uranus from 10th to 15th May 2023. Exact 13th May

Two heads, we are told, are better than one. We also understand that many hands make light work. Fortunately, you and a certain person don't need help from others to make something special happen now.

The two of you can make something wonderful happen without intervention from others. But, for this to happen, you're going to have to put your heads together in some way.

Doing so will bring about an idea or revelation that will beg for your attention and bring about a change that will delight you.

Also on Wednesday


Forceful or Overpowering

Mars transits your natal 1st house from 10th May 2023 to 17th June 2023

You might have a very strong urge to make romantic or relationship progress quickly and see no reason to consider your strategy. As far as you're concerned, there's no time like the present and you intend to 'seize the day' as the saying goes. However, there's a fine line between being passionate and determined, and forceful or overpowering. By all means, rise to any challenge presenting itself in your emotional world but allow time and patience a chance to work some magic on your behalf. Adopting too fervent an approach might be seen as anything but sexy or attractive.

Also on Wednesday

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 10th to 12th May 2023. Exact 11th May

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Thursday 11th May

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 11th to 14th May 2023. Exact 13th May

We hear people say that they or others 'don't know their own strength.' Throughout history and in popular culture, there have been many characters who possessed superhuman strength and, despite being able to make spectacular things happen, often found themselves wishing they were a bit more delicate or sensitive.

In your personal world now, you are being blessed with an impressive ability to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and generally lucky, is putting you in a very strong position. Be careful.

Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

Also on Thursday

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 11th to 13th May 2023. Exact 12th May

In what way - or ways - might you be feeling trapped or restricted now? Life always provides rules and restrictions, and we understandably opt to reject many in principle yet, in practice, we know we must adhere to or obey them. Sometimes though, it becomes necessary to push a boundary or restriction, and in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed a particular expectation. It's not necessarily a case of focusing on what's missing in your relationship world but looking closely at what you do have available to you and how, through effort, imagination and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve significantly what you do have.

It's time to accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure from any equation surrounding getting it or them. Be brave and willing to push your luck.

Tuesday 16th May

Allow yourself to be drawn

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mars from 16th to 18th May 2023. Exact 17th May

When we feel good, and on top of the world, we often don't feel challenged. That's fine, provided we have had enough of being challenged and are enjoying the respite. However, when faced with a problem, we usually have an idea of a solution that needs applying. In your personal world now, you're being given a chance to decide how you should react to a situation that appears challenging.

The best and quickest solution will come to you if you're willing to simply allow that which wants you, to have you. A very positive process is unfolding, and this involves someone who needs you and a way in which you are 'required' in some way. Make yourself available.

Don't resist how you are being drawn to whom or what needs you now. What appears challenging will, soon enough, become pleasing and comfortable.

Wednesday 17th May

Reasons to be more than cheerful

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 17th to 20th May 2023. Exact 19th May

If we watch the news any night on TV or pick up a newspaper at any time, we're given plenty of reasons to believe that the world in which we live is far from the beautiful and peaceful place it was intended to be. With little effort, we can create numerous reasons to worry about anything or identify problems and difficulties.

It's very easy to overlook or ignore completely how beautiful the world in which we live truly is. Too many people regard life as a constant struggle instead of the precious gift it is. Have you reasons to look upon your personal world with such pessimism? Are your relationships with certain people or one person in particular less than ideal or how you'd like them to be?

Expect, very soon, to see real reasons to be grateful for all that is truly wonderful where your interactions with certain people are concerned. Prepare to be inspired even if those around you fail to see what you have to be so happy about!

Also on Wednesday

Don't sell yourself short

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 17th to 19th May 2023. Exact 18th May

Relationships are two-way things. We know what we expect from another person, and they usually have a clear idea what they ideally want from us. Given that we know this two-way process must exist, we still struggle to meet others' expectations or their demands.

If, in your personal or relationship world now, you're trying to seek love or approval, then be aware of lengths you ought to go to attain either. You could be at risk of investing more effort than is required and altering unnecessarily how you're seen in the eyes of others.

Don't sell yourself short in the belief that onus is entirely on you to take the initiative where the process should be two-fold.

Saturday 20th May

The Spirit of Teamwork

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal North Node from 20th to 24th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

Where close relationships are concerned, you're about to encourage and embrace the spirit of teamwork and collaboration. To you, relationships, or one, in particular, will involve working together toward a shared goal. You might have a fixed idea about how this should be pursued, and someone close could have another, so you'll both need to ensure egos don't get in the way of accomplishing something special together. Should arguments arise over this, then you'll need to apply some imagination and creativity to find new ways of tackling the issue. If you and someone special can combine your energies and focus them on a goal you both believe in, then something valuable and meaningful can be created.

Also on Saturday

Harmonious Balance Needed

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal South Node from 20th to 24th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

If you experienced hardship or suffering in a past life, then you're blessed with more strength and confidence this time around! The urge to 'set the pace' with close relationships could intensify now, and you could leave a loved one or partner in no doubt about what you want and expect. However, even if you don't intend to come across as a bully, you could be seen as one. Your strong will and fearless attitude toward conflict help you to lead by example and back up words or promises with actions. This could also result in you wanting a partner to share your gung-ho, 'make things happen now' attitude. Unless you work harder to create a harmonious balance in any partnerships, you could be at risk of making them too one-sided.

Friday 26th May

Authority can be very sexy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 26th to 30th May 2023. Exact 28th May

Men and women alike often find people in positions of authority to be attractive if not very sexy. There's something about the air of authority and confidence someone gives that makes them very appealing, and you can project yourself in such a way.

Don't underestimate the 'no-nonsense' attitude others see you projecting now. You are very likely conveying strong leadership qualities or reassuring ability to take control where one or two people would like to see you take control and you will soon see evidence of how attractive and respected you are in the eyes of more than one person.

Also on Friday

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 26th to 28th May 2023. Exact 27th May

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Saturday 27th May

Time to speak up

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 27th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Sometimes, to say something that needs to be said or make a point to a certain person, we struggle to find the right words or choose the right time to convey what we believe needs to be said. This makes an already potentially stressful situation more stressful.

When we know we cannot put off any longer the need to make our point; we accept we must take the initiative to do so. That's what you are capable of doing now. You're able to engage in necessary communication with a certain person.

Trust that what needs to be said can be said clearly and coherently.

Sunday 28th May

Beauty is more than skin deep

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 28th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Is beauty only 'skin deep'? We know how beautiful some people are on the inside despite not possessing physical qualities that magazines and websites adorned with airbrushed models glorify constantly. How attractive do you feel now and are you truly aware of how attractive you are to certain others?

Your physical attractiveness is powerful now but pales in comparison to levels of inner beauty you possess. Beauty and attractiveness, whether they be inner or external, aren't always viewable with the eye. You have an exceptional opportunity now to attract others through your love of beauty, harmony and having such a friendly and affectionate attitude toward those around you.

Use all that you're being blessed with now where such attractive qualities are concerned, and you cannot fail to become closer to at least one admirer keen to become closer to you!

Also on Sunday

Letting it all bounce off you

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Saturn from 28th May 2023 to 1st June 2023. Exact 30th May

How much are you willing to endure now? Your toleration limits are quite high which, given the situation you are facing or are likely to be facing shortly where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, bodes well. You know there is a right and wrong way to react to a certain situation now.

By adopting a 'keep calm' strategy, you stand to achieve so much more than what the alternative offers. Continue to keep your emotions and impulses in check and all will be fine.

Monday 29th May

Keeping the adrenaline surge in check

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 29th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. Exact 31st May

We all crave excitement on some level. Excitement, we know, is something we often want more of, especially when we believe it to be lacking in an area of our world we wish contained more of the stuff that adrenaline surges are made of.

You are motivated by a need to boost excitement levels in some way and if this involves a certain person or potential suitor, then be aware of how heavy-handed your keenness to do so may come across. Give them time to come to terms with and prepare for what you're expecting of them.

Tuesday 30th May

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 30th May 2023 to 2nd June 2023. Exact 1st June

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Also on Tuesday


Warm, Amiable Vibe

Venus transits your natal 1st house from 30th May 2023 to 24th June 2023

You're blessed with a warm vibe that others can't help but be drawn toward at this time. Your thoughts and feelings could be delightfully transparent as well, and your willingness to be less hesitant toward revealing these could also be endearing. Your calm, amiable disposition gains trust and makes persuading others easier. The glow you emit on the inside reflects the glow you emit on the outside - making you powerfully attractive in every possible way!

Forecast for June 2023

Wednesday 7th June

Counting chickens…

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Sun from 7th to 11th June 2023. Exact 10th June

'Trust me.' We hear people say this to us and others constantly. We can't help but feel some level of reassurance that such people can be trusted but also tend to be aware of how we ought to be wary or cautious in some way.

The issue in your relationship world doesn't concern trust or lack of it. It concerns a need to address why you or someone else are so very certain about a particular outcome.

It may be more practical to be a bit more realistic and at least allow room for a tiny error of judgment. That, in itself, will create a much better and necessary environment to move forward within.

Thursday 8th June

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 8th to 11th June 2023. Exact 10th June

Like, we know, attracts like. Positive people tend to be drawn toward other positive people. Might positivity you're experiencing now be playing a part in attracting others toward you – or vice versa? The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding now cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated.

But, it's all well and good that you're being seen as such an attractive option but what do you intend to do with the influence now available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

You're blessed now with an enviable opportunity to use powers of attraction available to you, and no reason exists why you can't attain something very special, very soon.

Also on Thursday

It's all about having a plan…

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 8th to 12th June 2023. Exact 10th June

To make anything happen, we need a plan. Even if we haven't sat down with a pen and paper or in front of a computer to create one, we are still following a plan of some kind if achieving something is important to us.

What plan are you following now? Is it one that is destined for success or failure? Perhaps it's time to determine if you are following a plan or are heading in a direction in a rudderless way. If you suspect your involvement with something or someone is heading in a direction that needs guidance or brought back on track, then now is a perfect time to do it.

Friday 9th June

Pleasurable journeys or conversations await

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 9th to 12th June 2023. Exact 11th June

There are some journeys we embark upon that we anticipate problems or delays with and find ourselves relieved when we don't encounter either. There are some conversations we brace ourselves for, expecting them to be confrontational and feel relieved when we discover our fears were unfounded.

Such relief is available to you now, and your personal world can benefit enormously from smoothness on offer where travel or communication (possibly both) are concerned. This is a time of pleasurable interaction so don't hesitate to call on certain others for help if you feel you need it or be willing to help them.

Discussions rarely have the chance to go as smoothly as those you're likely to have now, so say what you want or need to say. Have that exchange. You look likely to be both pleased and relieved that you did.

Also on Friday

Look closely to see what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 9th to 12th June 2023. Exact 11th June

Imagine how dull life would be if we didn't have to do various things we didn't want to do. Where would the thrill of overcoming a challenge be? Where would we draw inspiration to seek new and exciting challenges that await us?

We can postpone some tasks or obligations that don't exactly excite or inspire us but regardless of what bores or daunts us; we can either endure discomfort surrounding what we have to do or find a way to see it as exciting - or even learn to love - whatever it is we dislike. In your personal world now, you might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it.

If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

Saturday 10th June

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 10th to 13th June 2023. Exact 12th June

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Friday 16th June

A love life through loving life

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Sun from 16th to 19th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Is it your love life that you would like to see significant improvement within – or might it be your 'love of life' that could do with an injection of optimism and energy? You're being given an exceptional chance now to put your emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful and hopefully less stressful footing.

Through your increased ability to love life, you will be well placed to get along much better with a certain person who means the world to you or, through simply being yourself, attract a special person into your world.

All you need to do is take a small but courageous step in the right direction. To be guided by that, you need only have faith in the fact that you're being helped in every way possible.

Saturday 17th June


Essential Honesty

Mars transits your natal 2nd house from 17th June 2023 to 29th July 2023

You might see a connection between pursuing a romantic or relationship goal passionately and how doing so will boost your self-esteem. Perhaps, you believe that anything - or anyone - worthy of pursuing requires you to apply as much effort and determination as you can summon. This could be a time when you see no point in doing anything in 'half measures' and your emotional world is unlikely to be exempt from this. Therefore, it's important to be honest about any relationship aspiration you set for yourself – and if any possibility exists that the 'chase' might be more appealing than the 'catch.'

Also on Saturday

Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 17th to 20th June 2023. Exact 18th June

Many people believe attack to be the best strategy to adopt when defending themselves. With some people, we can see their barriers appearing like rolling metallic doors, and when these become evident, they often encourage or prolong further confrontation.

You, however, are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort with this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly.

Your personal world can definitely be affected and influenced positively through a love of beauty and desire for peace and, through being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring about a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

Saturday 24th June


What Money Cannot Buy…

Venus transits your natal 2nd house from 24th June 2023 to 20th August 2023

A curious link could exist in your world now between love and money. You might believe the two are connected. Perhaps, it's your love of money that is highlighted in some way now. In any case, if you're considering making an extravagant financial gesture in the name of love, then a particular lesson might await you. We all know the cliché about money's inability to buy love. Your keenness to impress anyone or sweep someone off their feet with grand, material gestures might result in forming a close relationship – but not necessarily a loving one. Focus instead on what no sum of money could ever buy: compassion, kindness, sensitivity, and creativity. It's those qualities that need nurturing now and can help you form or strengthen a connection that is authentic and long-lasting.

Also on Saturday

Do what you fear most, and your fear will disappear

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 24th to 28th June 2023. Exact 26th June

Despite how things may appear, you are not as alone as you perhaps believe yourself to be. You have assistance available to you, even if you cannot see it.

This is unlikely to be in the form of a person but it more likely to manifest from within you and without intending to wax lyrical about an issue that is probably causing you to be fearful, you can make something special happen now where your relationship with a certain person is concerned if you're willing to abandon a fear.

Does that sound more difficult than it's likely to be? Provided you can summon determination to overcome it while remaining calm and sensitive; you can remove a barrier and conquer a long-standing fear at the same time. This can only help you to embark upon or strengthen a relationship.

Sunday 25th June

Personal Wounds Come First

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Chiron from 25th to 29th June 2023. Exact 27th June

With both friendships and intimate relationships, you could feel tempted to reach out to comfort loved ones but secretly know that doing so distracts you from your feelings of insecurity or loneliness. Sure, there are many benefits to helping and healing others, but it's important to remember that you have personal needs that you can't overlook. It's also possible that lashing out -deliberately or unintentionally - toward loved ones could be a futile and desperate attempt to reduce your inner pain. It's essential to remember this is more likely to harm or possibly destroy your close relationships and serve only to push away those you want and need to be closer to if you don't make a concerted and genuine effort to address your personal, inner wounds.

Also on Sunday

You won't know unless you try

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Neptune from 25th to 29th June 2023. Exact 27th June

People often speak about a need to 'look before we leap.' Of course, this makes sense. We want to know what we're leaping into and how safe it is before we do something so rash, but you have an excellent opportunity now to trust how leaping into the unknown can take you into unfamiliar but exciting territory.

If a relationship has become too predictable for your liking, then you can try encouraging a bit of the untried and untested into it.

If you're of the opinion that your relationships with others need a kickstart or an injection of life, then taking a chance with what's new or unorthodox could be just the tonic you need to rejuvenate whatever is need of rejuvenating.

Friday 30th June

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 30th June 2023 to 4th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Also on Friday

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 30th June 2023 to 4th July 2023. Exact 2nd July

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Forecast for July 2023

Saturday 1st July

Clearing the air

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 5th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Each of has a limit to how much we will tolerate regarding an undesirable situation. Some of us have long fuses. Others, well, it doesn't take much for them to air their frustrations or anger. You appear to be experiencing – or about to experience – an outburst of sorts that will make very clear where your or someone else's frustrations lie.

This frustration probably stems from a perceived obstacle that is hindering progress in some way. Let the air clear and you and you-know-who can put the tense episode behind you.

Friday 7th July

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 7th to 13th July 2023. Exact 10th July

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Wednesday 26th July

Drop barriers

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 26th to 30th July 2023. Exact 28th July

Many people say they don't care what others think of them. In truth, that's rarely the case. We all, to some extent, care what others think and prefer them to think well of us.

Something that does tend to cause others to think otherwise if focusing on our own needs is done at the cost of others.

You are likely very aware now of how and why you ought to be putting your own needs and desires first, and if you want to embark upon a new relationship or strengthen an existing one, then this is likely to cause one or two problems.

Look closely at how defensiveness might be playing a part in this – and then look more closely at why you have no reason to feel quite so defensive!

Saturday 29th July


Patience, Not Impatience

Mars transits your natal 3rd house from 29th July 2023 to 15th September 2023

You might need to accept that your thought processes could work at a considerably faster speed than anyone else's at this time. What you're quick to learn, others might require more time to understand. Where you can spot solutions immediately, you might need to apply some patience to allow others to see what you see. It might be your impatience toward others – or possibly one person in particular – that is the source of frustration or tension within relationships. Your keenness to make a point could override the need to think through your message properly, too. Guard against pushing others to think as dynamically as you can at this time and, above all, resist being overly forceful when pushing your views or opinions.

Also on Saturday

A perfect combination

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Venus from 29th July 2023 to 2nd August 2023. Exact 31st July

Healthy and exciting relationships require passion and energy combined with good old-fashioned romance. Even if you believe yourself to be the least romantic person you know, then flowers and chocolates can be easily replaced with awareness of how deep your feelings are for a certain person.

You possess the enthusiasm that helps your energy and passion work with love and romance. Put all these together, and you now have a perfect opportunity to embark upon a new and exciting relationship that offers much in the way of passion and love or strengthen an existing relationship that can only become even more passionate and loving!

Sunday 30th July


Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Uranus from 30th July 2023 to 5th August 2023. Exact 3rd August

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Forecast for August 2023

Monday 7th August


Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Retrograde Trines your natal Neptune from 7th to 11th August 2023. Exact 10th August

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Tuesday 8th August


The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Pluto from 8th to 12th August 2023. Exact 10th August

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Saturday 12th August

Keeping feet firmly on the ground…for now

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Neptune from 12th to 16th August 2023. Exact 15th August

How realistic are you now? Think carefully before answering that question. You could be in a situation that is restrictive, yet you aren't inclined to remove yourself from it because you fear you might feel lost were it to be removed.

The same can be said about particular hopes and aspirations you have. To achieve these will require upheaval but are you prepared for how much upheaval you may experience?

No one is trying to dampen your enthusiasm for anything or anyone. However, you are encouraged to simply be realistic about what can be achieved between you and at least one other person in your world. Avoid fanciful thoughts now and focus solely on what can be achieved and agreed.

Sunday 13th August

Shining Example

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Chiron from 13th to 17th August 2023. Exact 15th August

Taking the lead or decisive action could be your most powerful and helpful assets with making romantic or relationship progress now. However, your passionate energy needs to be harnessed in ways that heal, cleanse or teach and you could feel you're on a personal mission to one or all the above. You'd be wise to focus attention on yourself and any lingering or unresolved personal pain or inner wounds that remain unresolved. If you have struggled to summon the courage to face these in the past, then you could feel pushed to do so now. Only when you feel confident that you've taken long overdue steps to heal yourself should you focus attention on others. You can be a shining example of what we achieve when we face our fears. Whether single or attached, this quality, combined with the noticeable boost to your confidence it will bring, can boost your powers of attraction significantly.

Wednesday 16th August

Confidence attracts

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 16th to 20th August 2023. Exact 18th August

What qualities make someone attractive? Beauty is, as they say, skin deep and we all know that there are many other qualities that can make someone attractive in the eyes of others or a certain person.

Laughter is a proven aphrodisiac but so too is confidence. Who couldn't be swept off their feet by someone who has high levels of confidence and self-esteem? It is your growing confident – and possibly assertive – approach that will work well for you now.

The key to attracting someone special is to simply be yourself and let your confidence flow in the knowledge it will show!

Friday 18th August

Keeping your distance

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 18th to 22nd August 2023. Exact 21st August

What's needed now is space. Breathing space. Thinking space. Whatever you want to call it, clearly there is a need to allow distance between you and a certain person because an equilibrium is changing.

An arrangement is shifting and as positive as the process is, this shift is likely to manifest as differences being identified between you and another person. You have to adjust to this, and so are they. With change, upheaval and insecurity are never far behind.

Riding this one out is best done by allowing each other time and space to adjust to what's happening now.

August 19th 2023 onwards to November 11th 2023


Remove the façade to uncover the dream

Transiting Neptune Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus

Pinocchio had a failsafe way of letting people know when he was telling untruths. Once this was identified, there was no doubt about whether what he was saying was truthful. It clearly was not. Other people not only enjoy being liberal with truth but begin to believe their untruths over time. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, there is an element of truth in what you're being told.
There is also more than an element of magic in what is happening around you now, but you might need to invest some effort to see through a façade of sorts. If you can do this, then a dream will start to show signs of becoming a reality. You don't need to wish upon stars though. All you need to do is keep a wish alive within your heart and have absolute faith in it becoming yours.

Sunday 20th August


Warm, Amiable Vibe

Venus Retrograde transits your natal 1st house from 20th August 2023 to 19th September 2023

You're blessed with a warm vibe that others can't help but be drawn toward at this time. Your thoughts and feelings could be delightfully transparent as well, and your willingness to be less hesitant toward revealing these could also be endearing. Your calm, amiable disposition gains trust and makes persuading others easier. The glow you emit on the inside reflects the glow you emit on the outside - making you powerfully attractive in every possible way!

Sunday 27th August

Energetic Approach to Love

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal North Node from 27th to 31st August 2023. Exact 29th August

You're aware that relationships require consistent effort and will probably have no issue within summoning energy in any way it's needed now. You possess a highly energetic approach to love, romance, and relationships and what others might see as daunting challenges, you approach with relish. If you're single, then it is crystal clear to you that romantic or relationship progress relies on taking the initiative and bringing results rather than waiting to see what the love gods do on your behalf. If you're attached, then you can be a positive influence in someone's life and help them to look beyond personal limitations at what might be possible regarding self-improvement or advancement. You can help them to identify and seize opportunities they might have otherwise overlooked.

Also on Sunday

Harmony Creates Satisfying Connections

Transiting Mars Trines your natal South Node from 27th to 31st August 2023. Exact 29th August

Your ability to know instinctively how to balance your needs and desires with those of a loved one or potential partner is heightened now. Perhaps this admirable gift is the result of having applied numerous trial-and-error approaches to relationships in the past – or possibly in a previous life - but you have emerged more courageous and determined as a result. Despite being clear in your mind and heart about your romantic or relationship needs and expectations, you're willing to support someone close to achieve theirs. You accept that creating harmony and balance in relationships is essential to maintaining and enjoying a long-term, satisfying connection – and on every possible level.

Also on Sunday


A love life through loving life

Transiting Venus Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Sun from 27th August 2023 to 10th September 2023. Exact 3rd September

Is it your love life that you would like to see significant improvement within – or might it be your 'love of life' that could do with an injection of optimism and energy? You're being given an exceptional chance now to put your emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful and hopefully less stressful footing.

Through your increased ability to love life, you will be well placed to get along much better with a certain person who means the world to you or, through simply being yourself, attract a special person into your world.

All you need to do is take a small but courageous step in the right direction. To be guided by that, you need only have faith in the fact that you're being helped in every way possible.

Also on Sunday


Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Retrograde Trines your natal MidHeaven from 27th August 2023 to 10th September 2023. Exact 3rd September

Many people believe attack to be the best strategy to adopt when defending themselves. With some people, we can see their barriers appearing like rolling metallic doors, and when these become evident, they often encourage or prolong further confrontation.

You, however, are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort with this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly.

Your personal world can definitely be affected and influenced positively through a love of beauty and desire for peace and, through being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring about a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

Forecast for September 2023

Friday 1st September

A way must be tried

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Moon from 1st to 5th September 2023. Exact 3rd September

'There's a first time for everything.' Such words are often said by people who are willing to embark positively upon a new or untried plan, and you're being encouraged to initiate a previously untried plan in your relationship world now.

Don't be daunted by how 'new' an idea or opportunity appears. If you're willing to take a brave step forward and give effort toward something you've long considered doing, then a positive result can – and will – be achieved.

Saturday 2nd September

Commanding respect

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mercury from 2nd to 6th September 2023. Exact 4th September

To hear some lawyers argue with each other in courtrooms, we could be justified in thinking they dislike each other intensely. Given the intensity of their passionate and heated exchanges, we wonder if any level of friendship could possibly exist between them.

Often, when their work is done for that day, they head to a bar or restaurant together to unwind and talk about anything other than their respective cases. The need to strongly convey or defend a point needn't always result in animosity or bitterness.

Quite the reverse can be true, and you are in a strong position to gain respect from a certain person by standing up for yourself in some way now. They might even thank you for it.

Sunday 3rd September

If something's worth doing, then it's worth doing properly

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 3rd to 6th September 2023. Exact 5th September

'A job well begun is a job half done.' So goes the old saying that is appropriate for you now. Rarely, is there such a perfect time for launching a new idea or pursuit.

Success bodes well, but chances of success are increased significantly by ensuring effort is focused in a positive and constructive way.

Although you don't have to be led completely by your head. Passion that comes from your heart needs to play a part in what you want to achieve or embark upon now but the more you can put in place a clear and understood plan to achieve it, the greater your chances of success are.

Monday 4th September

Where is your effort needed most?

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 4th to 8th September 2023. Exact 6th September

Do you feel as if a need exists to reassess what - or whom - you want? Is the amount of effort you're investing in a relationship or pursuit of one worth it? Sometimes, Olympic athletes are very happy to walk away with a silver or bronze medal if gold is, for any reason, unattainable. There's nothing wrong doing that, either.

You're being encouraged to assess how likely it is you really will get what you want. You can either continue investing maximum effort or accept how downsizing your expectations slightly might bring you something you can be equally proud of.

Monday 11th September

Step back…quietly

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 11th to 15th September 2023. Exact 13th September

Opinions, we know, are like certain parts of our anatomy – everyone has one. It is the way some people choose to voice their opinions, and how defensively they do so that causes the most problems between them and others.

The wrong way to do this surrounds conveying an 'I'm not going to back down on this matter' attitude, and that could be what you're inclined to do where your relationship another is concerned. To say friction between you and them is waiting for an opportunity to present itself is an understatement.

You can sidestep an argument and make real, tangible progress by counting to ten and refraining from responding in a way you-know-who is expecting you to respond. Be sensitive and as understanding as you can possibly be.

Tuesday 12th September

Singing from the same hymn sheet

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 12th to 16th September 2023. Exact 14th September

Does someone share your ambitions? They might not want the same as you do from life but that shouldn't make them unsupportive of your aims. Would it be more helpful though if they did want what you want?

Perhaps, but rarely do two people want precisely the same thing. Although this is precisely the message you now receive.

As keen as you might be to have a very open and honest conversation with a certain person to ensure you're both in agreement about what you truly want, you might need to make an allowance for the fact that you-know-who doesn't share, on the same level, your needs or ambitions.

This isn't a bad or negative thing. All you need to do is focus on what common ground does exist, and something exciting and worthwhile can be built or strengthened.

Also on Tuesday

Leave brute force out of it

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 12th to 16th September 2023. Exact 15th September

Sledgehammers are effective when we want to crack a walnut. We know though that there are less extreme methods of performing this task and you could be inclined to apply more force than is needed in an area of your world now.

Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, delicacy and tact are essential. You can achieve much more by applying both instead of applying brute force or any form of aggression.

Be sensitive and also be prepared to listen. Not only will your esteem be raised in the eyes of certain others through doing so but you will stand a much greater chance of gaining something you want or need.

Friday 15th September


Passion Without Aggression

Mars transits your natal 4th house from 15th September 2023 to 6th November 2023

You might need to make a concerted effort to be aware of the line that exists between being passionate and being forceful or aggressive. You might believe that, if someone truly cares about something or are passionate about their beliefs, then they'll make this clear forcefully or contentiously. You could look for such traits in others now, and it's wrong not only to do so but also to encourage them. There are ways you can demonstrate how deeply you care – about something or someone – by connecting with your kind, sensitive and compassionate side. Focus more on nurturing others, rather than encouraging them to stand up for themselves or prove their loyalty or worth.

Tuesday 19th September


What Money Cannot Buy…

Venus transits your natal 2nd house from 19th September 2023 to 21st October 2023

A curious link could exist in your world now between love and money. You might believe the two are connected. Perhaps, it's your love of money that is highlighted in some way now. In any case, if you're considering making an extravagant financial gesture in the name of love, then a particular lesson might await you. We all know the cliché about money's inability to buy love. Your keenness to impress anyone or sweep someone off their feet with grand, material gestures might result in forming a close relationship – but not necessarily a loving one. Focus instead on what no sum of money could ever buy: compassion, kindness, sensitivity, and creativity. It's those qualities that need nurturing now and can help you form or strengthen a connection that is authentic and long-lasting.

Tuesday 26th September

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 26th to 30th September 2023. Exact 28th September

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Also on Tuesday

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 26th to 29th September 2023. Exact 28th September

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Wednesday 27th September

Assessing the situation

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 27th September 2023 to 1st October 2023. Exact 29th September

Can you feel the pressure mounting? You appear to be experiencing pressure to take action, commit or undertake an obligation in some way now but the chances are high that you do not see the necessary bigger picture yet.

It's for that reason you ought to reserve the right to put the proverbial brakes on before committing in any way. Before you invest valuable time and energy where a certain relationship is concerned, stand back and take stock of what doing so might achieve.

There's a difference between taking the initiative based on careful thought and simply succumbing to pressure from someone else to do so. It's the latter you need to be 'live' to now.

Thursday 28th September

Creating something special together

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 28th September 2023 to 1st October 2023. Exact 30th September

One interesting fact about talented people is, they are rarely talented at only one thing. Someone who is creative in an artistic sense can often possess skill or talents across a wide range of things artistic. When two creative people 'click', they often do so superbly.

Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with artistic or creative abilities, you have a fantastic opportunity begin or strengthen a relationship by focusing on what can be 'created' together. Stimulation and excitement is on offer now with someone who wants to create with you.

Look closely at who might fit that bill and you probably won't have to look as hard as you think you might.

Forecast for October 2023

Sunday 1st October

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 5th October 2023. Exact 3rd October

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Also on Sunday

Keep impatience at bay

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Ascendant from 1st to 5th October 2023. Exact 3rd October

Tension could be rife. Competition and conflict could become issues if they aren't already. If you're finding your relationship with a certain person to be strained, then there is much you can do to improve the situation, and top of the list involves keeping impatience at bay.

Letting impatience get involved could be like pouring gasoline on any flames of resentment now, and this is likely to have much to do without thinking through properly certain responses or actions. If you can't say or do something nice now, then distance yourself until you can.

Thursday 12th October

One Battle Worth Fighting

Transiting Mars Squares your natal North Node from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

Anger and hostility could be recurring issues for you in intimate, romantic relationships and current circumstances could cause both to intensify. Such feelings could catch you by surprise and be triggered by anything a loved one says or does that appears to challenge your independence or the person you believe yourself to be. Much of what you see as confrontational or challenging is likely imaginary, and the root of this issue could surround your inability or refusal to apply lessons learned in the past to what's occurring now. Until you do, you could keep behaving in the destructive ways that have hurt those closest to you previously and will continue to do so now and in the future. If you really are determined to fight a battle, then rise to the challenge of addressing, once and for all, how you can become more self-aware and remove anger and frustration that manage to underpin your closest connections. If you can do so, then you will achieve the love and closeness you crave.

Also on Thursday

Owning Up

Transiting Mars Squares your natal South Node from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

It could be easy to look at your current love life or relationship circumstances and believe you're 'unlucky in love.' However, any problems you're experiencing with creating close, loving bonds aren't connected with unseen forces determined to thwart your plans or intentions. It's your approach and attitude toward love, romance, relationships and intimacy that present the biggest hurdles. This is a time to cast your mind back to the past and assess honestly if you can identify any patterns surrounding issues with previous relationships. Everyone has regrets, bitterness, insecurities and possibly hostility that need to be worked through. However, it's likely you've remained stuck regarding any of the above, and this is a time when you must not only own up to it but take positive steps to free you from nurtured defensiveness that has, in time, probably turned into aggressiveness. Forming or strengthening any connection in your world will require deep soul-searching on your part. However, if you're prepared to make changes in your attitude toward love and the ways you react and respond to lovers, then delightful, heartwarming experiences await you.

Tuesday 17th October

Leave anger on the doorstep

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mercury from 17th to 21st October 2023. Exact 20th October

There's a right way and a wrong way to make a certain point to a certain person now. You're being presented with a choice. You can either release pent-up frustration or anger, and part someone's hair with some words that aren't particularly well-chosen or you can apply large amounts of a sensitivity to a difficult or tense conversation.

The former will result in you-know-who becoming justifiably defensive. The latter will do much to ensure points get made that actually get listened to.

Don't use a sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut now. Make your point sensitively and leave anger on the doorstep before you do so.

Thursday 19th October

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 19th to 22nd October 2023. Exact 21st October

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Saturday 21st October


Diplomatic and Tactful

Venus transits your natal 3rd house from 21st October 2023 to 19th November 2023

You could be more verbally expressive, diplomatic, and tactful now. Where some people believe that aggressiveness or intimidation are most effective with persuading or convincing someone, you are at the opposite end of that spectrum. You could be surprised at how easily you can win others over with your words and could readily offer compliments or make effective use of flattery. If someone needs a good mediator, then you could fit that bill superbly, too. If you've struggled to come up with the right words to sweep a certain person off their feet or relieve tension in a relationship, then it is definitely worth trying again now. Most people respond positively to any message conveyed with the right levels of empathy and sensitivity, and that's something you could excel at offering now.

Also on Saturday

Something beautiful wants to be created

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Some artists blend paints blend to create a dazzling and beautiful spectacle. Other paints, when blended, don't appear to come close to creating anything as eye-catching. Experienced artists know how to achieve specific hues through applying a dab of one and a dollop of another and can take pride in the fact that they've probably created something that can't be purchased in any store.

In your personal world now, you have a fantastic opportunity to create something unique and, without putting too fine a point on it, beautiful. Far less effort will be required on your part to reach agreements or have helpful discussions or meetings.

Be willing to experiment. Be receptive to exploring the depth of a feeling. If you can, then you and certain others – and one person in particular – can gel gloriously and enjoy progress of the most heart-warming variety.

Thursday 26th October

The force is strong within you

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mars from 26th to 30th October 2023. Exact 28th October

Some people believe that the best way to win an argument is to shout louder than the other person or people. Others adhere to a saying about whoever shouts loudest gets heard above others.

Defensiveness often plays the biggest part in our decision to respond to perceived aggression or confrontation and being overly defensive is something you need to keep an eye on now, particularly where a certain relationship is concerned.

It's possible you could end up being a bit too preoccupied with your List of Needs and overlook what someone else wants or needs. It may feel as if you have tremendous levels of power available to you now but keep some in reserve for everyone's sake.

Friday 27th October

If a job's worth doing…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Sun from 27th to 30th October 2023. Exact 29th October

If a job's worth doing, then many of us adhere to the old motto about it being done properly. This usually involves us doing it ourselves. If you're feeling an urge to take the reins in some way where a relationship matter is concerned, then don't shy from taking the initiative.

A change in a situation is likely to only come about through your efforts. Stick with what you know works best or will produce the most likely desired result. Taking control of a situation doesn't always mean ringing the changes.

It might be more appropriate at this time to simply let a situation and certain person know that you are capable of steering both in a particular direction - and intend to do so!

Saturday 28th October

Hearts beat faster

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 28th October 2023 to 1st November 2023. Exact 31st October

On many cakes, it is icing that transforms something that would have otherwise been admittedly tasty but uninspiring. Icing adds essential sweetness, and similarly, an equivalent approach is available to you, conditions are ideal for demonstrating or conveying positive and affectionate feelings.

It is also ideal for physical attraction to play a part in enticing someone new into your world or discovering (or evening rediscovering) qualities about an existing partner you hadn't seen previously or forgotten about.

This is one of the most wonderful 'feel good' periods. Be guided by your heart and appreciate why it might just be beating a little bit faster!

Monday 30th October

Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 30th October 2023 to 1st November 2023. Exact 31st October

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Forecast Until 7th November 2023

Wednesday 1st November

Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 1st to 3rd November 2023. Exact 2nd November

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Thursday 2nd November

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 2nd to 5th November 2023. Exact 4th November

Some peoples' sweet smiles often conceal hidden agendas. We can't always tell who is supportive of us and who has plans to scupper our plans. In your relationship world now, there is strong likelihood that someone has an unconscious agenda of doubt or mistrust.

The good news is, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Little effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late.

You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position through information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy, but you will be grateful for the fact that you will soon be in a much stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Monday 6th November


Creative and Unselfish Passion

Mars transits your natal 5th house from 6th November 2023 to 26th December 2023

Impulsiveness could play a large part in ways you pursue any romantic aspirations at this time. If any element of risk is involved, then you'll see that as a very welcome and appealing challenge. You could adopt a 'work hard, play hard' attitude toward other areas of your world but, where your emotional world or one special connection is concerned, that attitude could be too aggressive. You might also need to dial back the competitiveness that might find its way into your closest connections. A little can add a bit of spark to a relationship, but too much is a guaranteed turn-off or passion killer. There are so many ways your passion can be applied creatively and unselfishly. That's what needs your attention now.

Meghan's Planetary Positions

August, 4th 1981 Local Time 4:46 AM Universal Time 11:46 AM

Los Angeles, CA 34°03'N, 118°15'W

All times based on current location of Los Angeles, CA


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Semisextile Venus
Sun Semisextile Mars
Sun Trines MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles Mercury
Moon Squares Mars
Moon Conjuncts Jupiter
Moon Conjuncts Saturn
Moon Opposes MidHeaven
Moon Sextiles North Node
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Sextiles Moon
Mercury Sextiles Jupiter
Mercury Sextiles Saturn
Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Mercury Trines MidHeaven
Mercury Conjuncts North Node
Venus Semisextile Sun
Venus Sextiles Mars
Venus Quincunx MidHeaven
Mars Semisextile Sun
Mars Squares Moon
Mars Sextiles Venus
Mars Squares Jupiter
Mars Squares Saturn
Mars Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Mars Squares MidHeaven
Jupiter Conjuncts Moon
Jupiter Sextiles Mercury
Jupiter Squares Mars
Jupiter Conjuncts Saturn
Jupiter Opposes MidHeaven
Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Saturn Conjuncts Moon
Saturn Sextiles Mercury
Saturn Squares Mars
Saturn Conjuncts Jupiter
Saturn Opposes MidHeaven
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Chiron
Uranus Sesquiquadrate Mars
Uranus Trines Ascendant
Uranus Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Uranus Trines North Node
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mercury
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Quincunx Chiron
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Squares Ascendant
Pluto Quincunx Chiron
Ascendant Trines Uranus
Ascendant Squares Pluto
Ascendant Sextiles Chiron
MidHeaven Trines Sun
MidHeaven Quincunx Venus
MidHeaven Squares Mars
MidHeaven Opposes Jupiter
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Uranus
North Node Sextiles Moon
North Node Conjuncts Mercury
North Node Trines Uranus
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Jupiter
Chiron Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Quincunx Neptune
Chiron Quincunx Pluto
Chiron Sextiles Ascendant